[A] Hiding From Heda.

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     Aden had taken you to one of the empty rooms in the tower to spend some alone time with you, he had been excited to get you alone for once, rather than around all of the other Grounders who were training to become Heda. You weren't one of the selected and you were glad about it, you could see how much effort had to be put into the training, you weren't bothered about it that much, Lexa was still the Commander and you were content with that for now.

     "Sorry I haven't been around lately," Aden apologised while wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You were both sitting on one of the sofa chairs in the room looking out of the window at the skyline. You rested your head on his shoulder and smiled. "I hope you don't feel like I've been abandoning you because that's definitely not the case." He looked down at your face with worry.

     "No, I know," you reassured him. "I know that this is important to you, and to the clan, so I understand how much effort you need to put into this, to prove that you will be a good leader, a good Heda." You moved your head to look at him and he smiled before kissing your forehead. "It's not all bad, though." You shrugged.

     "How so?" He questioned.

     "Well, for starters, I do get to see you throughout the day, I get to watch you train and fight." You looked back out the window. "I get to sit with you during meals, and I get to spend time with you when the others are training." You let out a sigh, but not a sad one. "It's not like I never get to see you, I just don't get to spend time like this with you as often," you finished.

     "I know, but if I'm chosen as Heda then I promise I will make time for you, even if I'm not, I'll still make sure I have time for you." You smiled at him. "And if Lexa's spirit chooses me as Heda then maybe I will get to make a few changes around here, the first will have to be the alliance with the Sky People, Lexa made us all promise that," he told you.

     "You mean when you are chosen as Heda," you pressed. "Aden, Lexa believes that you will be chosen as Heda, you are one of the strongest, bravest, and smartest out of all of the others." You laid your head back on his shoulder. "You'll be a great Heda, we will be lucky to have you as our leader," you added. He rested his head on top of yours and closed his eyes.

     "Another change I will make if-" He made sure to say 'if' loudly and clearly causing you to laugh. "I become Heda is to make you mine, in front of everybody. I'd be lucky to have you by my side if I become Heda." You lifted your head up and turned to look at him, he looked back at you and you could see that in his eyes he really did mean what he said.

     "You'd really do that?" You asked slightly shocked, you didn't think he would be that serious about your relationship, he hasn't even told Lexa that he was dating you. "In front of everyone?" He hummed a response and he smiled at you. "What else would you do as Heda?" You asked him, he glanced down to your lips and smirked.

     "I have a few ideas." He leaned down to kiss you, you closed the gap and pressed your lips to his quickly, he grinned at you and you grinned back at him.

     "What's going on here?" Your eyes widened as Lexa walked into the room looking at both of you. You wanted to quickly move away from Aden but he made sure to take hold of your hand in his tightly. "What are you two doing?" Lexa asked again as she stood in front of both of you.

     "Commander, I—" You began, your voice was almost trembling.

     You were terrified that Lexa wouldn't approve of this and that she would prevent you from seeing each other again, you definitely didn't want that to happen. Lexa looked to you as you started to speak, but your words got lost before you could say anything. Aden cleared his throat and Lexa glanced over at him.

     "We are spending time together," he told her, she glanced down to your hands and you made sure to look away from her. "I am spending time with the one that I love." Your breath got caught in your throat. He had never said that to you before and to say it for the first time in front of Lexa was incredibly reckless of him.

     "Love?" Lexa questioned. "You are children. What do you know of love?" You didn't dare look at her.

     "I know plenty. It doesn't matter what age someone is to know what love is, Heda. I know that whenever I'm alone I want to be with the one I love." You looked to Aden. "I know that I want to protect the one I love, to care, to feel, to hold the one I love. I know that I always want them by my side, that I want to be able to seek assurance and backup from the one that I love." You couldn't believe what you were hearing at all. "I feel all of that right now." He squeezed your hand gently. "That's what I know about love," he finished while staring at Lexa, waiting for her response.

     "Good, Aden." Your head snapped towards her. "You will make an excellent Heda, you know what to stand up for, to show pride in, that makes a good leader." She nodded to him. "I approve of this..." She pointed to both of you. "Just hold onto some of your 'ideas' for when you are older." Your eyes widened as she smiled before leaving the room, how long had she been listening for? But nonetheless, you let out a deep breath.

     "I think my heart just stopped beating." You laughed and pressed your spare hand, that wasn't holding his, to your chest.

     "My heart stops every time I look at you." He grinned, knowing for well that what he had said was cliché. You rolled your eyes at him before he gently pushed you back on the sofa leaning over you. "I meant everything that I said." He leaned down and kissed you softly before moving to lay behind you, his arms wrapped around your waist. "I also know that you're the one I want to wake up to," he whispered making you smile as he kissed your shoulder.

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