[CG] Hunt For The Heart.

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Already having your fingers out on your temples to massage them, you watched as Clarke and Bellamy continued to argue for the umpteenth time that day. In fact, you had become so used to it, you were able to ignore them and tune them out as background noise, but it was a little harder this time around.

You sat on one of the chairs in the dropship, watching the two leaders go at each other's throats with snide and condescending comments, most days it would be the form of your entertainment, but you were trying to work. You had the jobs of fixing up guns that Raven could put the bullets in, as well as cleaning up the medical instruments that Clarke was finished with.

The cold metal stool had long numbed your butt, stopping you from physically getting away from the two of them. So, you were forced to listen to Bellamy making remarks that he would be a better choice for you, while Clarke ignored him and told him why you'd be better off with her.

Usually, you'd hear something along the lines of:

'I'm not full of myself, so, I'd actually pay attention to them and care about how they are unlike you.' From Clarke, followed by:

'Oh really? Well, how about the fact that I'm stronger, faster, better looking, and a far better choice than you'd ever be.' Which, in turn, would be followed up by your very own eye roll.

Some days, Clarke would glare and mock that her head wasn't so far up her ass like his was that she didn't talk crap, whereas that was the only thing spilling from his mouth. Most days Bellamy would have a comeback but others he'd just antagonise her by crossing his arms, tilting his head to the side with a sarcastic smile.

You were just glad that they weren't at the point of walking into your tent at night to bicker, or walking into the dropship at midnight while you tried to finish off your work. But they were at the point of distracting you from working on something important that Bellamy actually instructed you to do.

You often found them trying to gain your attention with pointless things as well, one of which started a competition to see who could hold your attention for the longest time. Needless the say you were very annoyed with how they were handling things and how they were handling you.


You had managed to fix at least five guns in the span of seven hours, which was a new record given the fact you had barely any materials to use or spare pieces for the weapons. You were handing them out to some of the delinquents on watch, with new bullets given to you by Raven.

"Hey," Clarke greeted as she came up beside you.

"Hey, Griff." You nodded back.

"You look tired." She pointed out.

"Blake had me working on guns throughout the night, I haven't slept yet."

"Maybe you should take a break and come inside with me to the dropship. You can take a rest while I make sure you're okay?" She suggested.

"Maybe in a little bit, I've still got a few more things to do."

"Oh, okay. I'll be waiting." She smiled before regretfully turning around, you watched her glare over to Bellamy who smirked passing her coming over to you.

"How are the guns?"

"As good as they can be," you told him before handing Miller the last gun.

"That's good." He nodded. "You up for a hunting trip?"

"She's tired," you jumped at the sound of Clarke's reply.

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