[CL] Dive.

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     Clarke didn't return with the others from Mount Weather. This meant that you were put in her place as the leader of the Sky People, you were the one that went to the Grounder meetings, although Kane did join you more often than not. It was never clear how you ended up with the position, especially as you were only—what the Grounders called—Clarke's second. You also had terrible balance and coordination a good ninety-nine percent of the time. In that time, you had grown close to the Grounders Commander. Lexa was always patient with you, even when the others weren't so much. It was obvious that Lexa missed Clarke, that much was clear to everyone, but she would always dismiss the accusations, claiming that she needed to be alone for a while. Sometimes you could have sworn you heard crying.

     Lexa had informed you in the morning that she was going to teach you a few things about survival on the ground, things that being on the Earth hadn't already taught you. She had called for you early in the morning, sending you a warm smile as she watched you trip up, before steadying yourself, walking over to her. Lexa didn't tell you where she was taking you, which should have worried you considering she could lead you to your own death, but it didn't because you could easily trip and fall, probably breaking your neck in the process, saving her the trouble.

     Being on a horse was an unfamiliar experience. You weren't sure how you would have described it, but it definitely wasn't something you could compare to anything else. Every time it shook its head or picked up the pace you could feel your heart race as your eyes darted back to Lexa, every time you did she would look down with a smile, her shoulders shaking slightly before she looked back up and told you to relax. That was easy for her to say considering she had always been around horses. You, on the other hand, had been brought up with machine hums and bright artificial lights, nothing remotely similar.

     "We stop here," Lexa informed you.

     You looked around. You couldn't see anything but trees. "Here?"

     "We walk from here."

     "Makes sense," you mumbled, if she wanted to kill you then it would be better for her to hide the body if you had to get there by foot.

     She patted your leg. "Give me your hand." She held her hand out to you as you turned to look at her, she had already got off her own horse and was standing beside you.

     You took hold of her hand, struggling to get off from the horse. When your feet touched the ground, they buckled underneath you. "Oh, crap." Lexa caught you before you had completely fallen to the ground. "Thanks," you told her after she helped you stand up straighter.

     "Follow me." She began to walk towards the denser trees.

     "This is how I die."

     The branches were cutting into your skin, snagging at your clothes. The roots on the ground made it harder for you to walk as you tripped and fell forward. Your hands were held out in front of you, making sure your face didn't connect with the ground. A groan left your lips as you pushed your body back up. When you looked up, Lexa had walked back to see what was taking you so long. She pressed her lips together, hiding a smile as she held her hand out to you again.

     "Do I have to carry you?"

     After you took her hand she helped you up. "I'm sure I'd find a way to fall."

     "I'm sure you would as well."

     You nodded at her, she dropped your hand and continued to walk. A small huff left your lips as you shook your head, brushing the dirt from your hands onto your trousers. Without looking up, you walked into a branch. The leaves smacked your face. You took your knife out and cut the branch, deciding to just cut your way through instead of getting cut yourself.

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