[JJ+MG] You're On A What?

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     That moment was here. The one everyone dreads. But, it can't be helped, because, Mother Nature: is a bitch. You had hoped it wouldn't be this early since arriving on Earth, but, luck was never on your side.

You had been in your tent that you shared with Octavia, it had been so painful that you resorted into ignoring the rest of humanity to deal with the pain. In space, it was never as bad as it was now, it must have been the stress that added onto the pain.

You had been laying on your bed on your back with your legs crossed over each other, at first you thought it helped the pain, but then realised it didn't. You moved your legs again and groaned out in pain.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You heard Monty call out to you as he walked in with Jasper, Bellamy and shockingly Murphy. It wasn't that you hated him or didn't like him, it was just you two never really talked so you were shocked that he was standing there.

Bellamy, you understood why. He was always kind to you after seeing that you helped out around the camp and especially when it came to Octavia. She was a sister to you. Not only that but he probably thought that if you were sick then Octavia could catch it, he wouldn't want to risk that. However, Monty and Jasper had always been your friends so it was obvious that they would check up on you.

"Everything." You groaned closing your eyes, sure you had asked Clarke earlier for a pad because that would be bloody stupid if you didn't...Not sure if that pun was intended, but hey, it worked. She gave you one seeing as the Ark was oh-so-generous to send the delinquents down with the necessities and if they didn't, then there would be problems, especially health wise. But she sadly didn't have anything to help ease the pain.

"What?" Jasper questioned as he knelt down by your side and place his hand on your forehead, you didn't think that was how it worked but still, it was nice to know that he cared. You weren't sick-sick, but you felt it. "It doesn't seem that—"

"I'm dying." You huffed out and closed your eyes rubbing your stomach, it helped but not enough as you still felt sore.

"What?!" Monty yelled as he pushed Jasper out of the way to sit by you, he looked extremely worried and you wanted to laugh at what he had just done but you couldn't because it would have hurt.

"Kill me now," you said quietly to yourself but because Jasper had fallen close to your head, he heard.

"No! I will get you to Clarke." He stood up and was about to leave the tent before you decided why not have some fun with the whole bleeding thing?

"My time has come," you croaked out jokingly making Murphy snort out a little laugh after catching on to how fake it sounded, however, the other three didn't.

"Clarke!" Jasper yelled out of the tent making people turn to him and tell him to shut up or that he should just go find her like a normal person instead of yelling for her when she was in the drop-ship where she wouldn't hear him.

"Goodbye cruel world," you said once again and closed your eyes, Murphy breathed through his nose deeply to stop himself from laughing, you heard him breathing weirdly and wanted to laugh at that but you couldn't ruin the moment you had built up.

"Ah shit," Bellamy said as he stepped closer to you but then stepped back again not knowing what was wrong, you groaned out annoyed and decided enough was enough now.

"Guys chill, I'm on my period." You flailed your arms up trying to get them to realise that you weren't actually on your death bed, but that didn't stop the confused faces, especially from Murphy who now stopped laughing all together. He crossed his arms over his chest.

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