[L] Protector.

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     The moon was out, it cast shadows across the forest floor and shone through the gaps in the overhead leaves, it turned the fallen damp ones into a beautiful, twinkling crisp landscape and made the sky illuminate. The stars up above were as bright as you could remember them being. Everything was peaceful and calm.

You sat on the ground outside your village, the fire was lit on each pole surrounding the village. Your brother had been missing since the war between the Tree People and the Sky People, you worried non-stop and refused to speak to anyone but your Commander, Lexa, or Indra.

You didn't trust Clarke when she said Anya had died trying to give a message to your people, she wasn't like that, she wouldn't have just agreed to it unless she saw something in Clarke, but you doubted that for some reason. She was just like that other leader of theirs.

"Need some company?" You turned your head to them and saw Murphy of the Sky People and looked away again. "I'm going to take that as a yes—" He sat down next to you leaving a small gap between you. "I know you can speak English, I've heard you speak before." You rolled your eyes at him.

"What do you want?" You sighed and refused to look at him.

"Not much. Revenge, my family, some actual food, a good night sleep. You know, one that I don't have to worry about being killed by your people or my people if I'm completely honest with you. And to get to know you, it would be nice to actually know one of the Grounders and you seem the nicest to me—" He wouldn't stop talking, he just rambled on, nervously?

"Murphy?" He looked to you with this mouth open slightly from talking.

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrows and waited.

"Stop talking." You laughed out and let go of his breath. "Relax, okay? I didn't label you as a nervous person." He scoffed at you and placed a smirk on his lips.

"Me, nervous? I'm so not nervous." You looked to him and glared. "Well, okay, yeah. But what do you expect? I'm being blamed for the deaths of your people when Finn—"

"I believe you. I watched as he laid fire down on my people for the one you call Clarke. It's pathetic really, he thinks he did it for love when really, he did it because he has darkness inside of him. I saw his eyes, they were empty. I saw you, pleading for him to stop, I saw you actually trying and caring for the people who previously tortured you. It makes me sick to know you are being treated so wrongly when the real killer walks among us unharmed. But trust me, we will get revenge. We will avenge those who he took from us. But this time he won't walk away, he will drop to the floor in his own blood." Words spat out like venom from a snake. Emotions flooded you and took over, leaving no room for forgiveness or sympathy, especially when he doesn't deserve it.

"Wow..." Murphy laughed out forcefully almost awkwardly in shock. "I thought I could hold a grudge—" He looked away from you back to the front view. "But damn. You...Now you can hold a grudge, in fact, you bury that grudge and wait for it to grow like a tree then you rip it from the ground and beat the person with it." You breathed out a laugh and leaned back on your hands waiting the night sky. "But thank you, for you know...For believing in me and knowing the truth instead of turning it around on me." You nodded to him.

"It's called justice, being fair, and not being Clarke." Murphy snorted out a laugh and leaned back on his hands as well. "I don't like her, nor that other leader of yours. But Raven, her I like, also the one you call Monroe, now they are warriors, leaders and they are brave. More than Clarke has ever been. She killed Anya, she killed three hundred of my people in a war she started, she killed Anya's second, and I'm sure she's managed to kill Lincoln." You closed your eyes and gritted out the words.

You couldn't understand where so much of this anger hand come from or that you had built it up, but you were glad to let it go.

"I like you," Murphy stated. "You're relatable, yet you get straight to the point, it's easy to be around you." You sighed and opened your eyes again, you got up and Murphy looked at you confused. You held your hand out to him. "What are—"

"We are going for a walk, I'm sick of staying here." He nodded to you, happy with your answer and took your hand to help himself up.

"Let go of her!" You heard a familiar voice echo behind you, and you turned your head to see Lincoln stumbling over with Octavia, Bellamy, Dr. Griffin and Clarke all following him, you watched as Lexa pulled Clarke away to discuss something which you were thankful for.

"Brother!" You yelled out to him painfully, you knew he was hurt and you saw that him walking over to you had inflicted more pain on him. "You should be getting rest. W-What happened to you?" Murphy let go of your hand and stepped back as Bellamy walked closer to him with a hard expression.

"Get back," you growled at him and took out your machete from the holder on your back and placed it on his neck while you stepped in front of Murphy. "I said get back, Sky Boy." Bellamy gulped and stepped away and Octavia held onto Lincoln along with Dr. Griffin.

"Don't speak to my brother that way." You looked toward Octavia and growled out to her and her face softened. "Please, he just...Doesn't trust him much." She nodded her head to Murphy and you looked back to her brother who looked away to his sister.

"That gives him no reason to attack someone who hasn't done anything wrong. But I guess he doesn't quite understand basic things because then he wouldn't have tortured the one who saved you. My brother. Which leads me on to you, Lincoln. What the hell happened? And don't lie to me this time." You lowered your machete.

"Stay away from him, sister—" You squinted your eyes at him.

"I asked you what happened, not to give me rules I won't follow." You watched as Lincoln winced in pain. "Guys could you please leave us—" You walked over to Lincoln and helped him sit down along with Octavia and Dr. Griffin. "And you—" You pointed to Bellamy. "Stay away." He nodded and walked off with his sister, while Dr. Griffin walked off with Murphy.

"I'm sorry," he spoke to you softly. "I just don't want you to get hurt that's all." You looked to him and sat down next to him.

"I don't want you to get hurt either, but look at you! You have been battered and beaten." You heard him sigh.

"I guess I'm just a protective brother, that's all, I want you to be happy and safe. We only have each other—"

"You have Octavia," you whispered out, he was spending more time with her and less and less with you, it's like he wasn't your brother anymore.

"We are the only family each other has." He nudged your arm with his elbow. "By the way...I'm proud of you." You looked up to him and smiled slightly. "You are strong, independent, brave, courageous, beautiful, smart, cunning, an amazing warrior, but most of all, you're my baby sister. I will always be the big protective brother, who may be annoying at times but does it for good intentions. I hope you understand that." Your smile grew bigger and you laughed at him.

"You're going soft, brother. Look what your girlfriend has done to you." He scoffed and nudged you harder this time before pulling you into a side hug.

"Ai hod in yu." 'I love you.' He whispered to you and you closed your eyes.

"Ai hod in yu, Linkon." 'I love you, Lincoln.' You had your big protective brother back.

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