[JM] Rules Of The Sky Don't Apply.

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     Murphy had made it his mission to get under your skin the moment he knew you were also on Earth and one of the delinquents. He knew you were related to Marcus Kane. He never called you by your name, only the one your dad was referred to, which in the beginning scared some of the delinquents when they thought he was on Earth with them.

     But after a while of you playing along with his stupid games, he got bored, he got annoyed that he could bury himself into the dark corners of your mind to torment you, he didn't like that you played along. He would clench his jaw and glared daggers into your skin, but that only fuelled you to play along even more. Now you were getting under his skin.

     Somehow, he found himself liking the game you were both playing, he stopped getting bored, he stopped getting annoyed, and he started upping his game. It would start with subtle flirtatious quips and comments before he'd wrap his arm over your shoulder, or around your waist as just a flirty joke, sooner or later he found that he could stand to not have his hands on you.

     He'd send threats and glares to the other delinquents that got too close for his liking, he'd purposely wrap his arms around you or drag you away. You knew that it was no longer a game to him. That this wasn't just him messing around. He was serious. He was serious about you. He couldn't stand it if you stood too close to someone else, or if you'd laugh a certain way at their jokes.

     He couldn't handle not being the one to make you laugh that one way that made your stomach ache, or when tears rolled down your face with the silent laugh. That he couldn't be the one to make your eyes crinkle in the corner when you smile widely at something. He couldn't stand it if he wasn't the one you'd nudge or place your arm on.

     He couldn't stand the fact that he couldn't stand any of this.

     One day he had enough, enough of the constant flirting that wasn't going anywhere. The constant hand touches that wouldn't lead to more. The constant looks you gave each other from across the camp or across the fire. He had enough. So, one evening when everyone was outside he made a beeline towards you, grabbed hold of your face and crashed his lips to yours.

     After kissing him back with the same passion that evening, it was made clear that you were both together, and that none of the other delinquents were allowed to touch you the way he could, look at you the way he could, kiss you the way could, or make you feel the way that he could when it was just the two of you. That was made clear to every single one of the delinquents.

     But not to the Grounders or the Sky People.

     After the war, you found yourself with what was possibly a couple of broken ribs after the fight, Bellamy told you to run, knowing your father would probably kill him if you were killed. You struggled to walk into the remains of the dropship, a gun was pointed at you, you raised your hands quickly, but doubled over in pain when the quick action ran over your stomach.

     "Kane?" Raven asked almost in disbelief.

     "Barely." You dropped to the floor and slowly crawled your way over to her. You laid down on your back and felt her lift up your shirt.

     "You're bleeding, how long have you been bleeding for?"

     "I don't know?" You wheezed out as the pain was almost unbearable.

     "Why are you bleeding?" She ripped some material and placed it on your side, you groaned in pain before everything went black.


     "Wake up, sweetheart, please wake up." You were groggy, your eyes had to squint at the artificial light shining down on your face. "Hey." A face came into view, it as your dad, he looked like he had been crying.

     "Where am I?"

     "The Ark." You tried to sit up. How could you be on the Ark? You were sent to Earth.

     "What?" Marcus pushed you back down.

     "Abby needs to check you over," he informed you.

     "But Raven-"

     "Is doing fine, they are all doing fine," he assured you.


     "Bellamy Blake, Finn Collins, John Murphy, Zoe Monroe, and that Sterling boy." You tried to sit up again.

     "I have to go find—"

     "Raven is okay, I've already told you." He shushed you and pushed you down as Abby walked in to check you over.

     "Murphy..." You mumbled out quietly before you fell asleep again.


     "You have to stay away from my daughter," you heard your dad say in a dark voice.

     "No, I don't, have you asked if she wants me here?" It was Murphy.

     "She doesn't want you here and neither do I," Marcus told him. You assumed they were outside the medical tent as you couldn't see them. You sat up holding your side, it was wrapped up, all around your body, slightly stained in blood.

     "I doubt you've asked her," Murphy argued back. You felt slightly light headed after getting up too fast. You found a spare shirt and carefully put it on, biting your bottom lip in pain as you stretched too much.

     "I don't need to, you're trouble, a bad influence and she doesn't need you in her life," Marcus counterargued before you opened the tent flap and squinted at the sun.

     "Kane." Murphy went to go to your side but your dad beat him to it.

     "You should be in bed resting." He tried to turn you back around but you pushed him away.

     "I should say hello to my boyfriend who I thought was dead first," you muttered as you pushed him off and winced as you walked over to Murphy who grabbed hold of your face gently looking over to see any injuries.

     "What happened?"

     "Either a Grounder attacked me or the blast from the dropship threw me against a tree. Either way, I broke a few ribs, nothing I can't handle." You smiled weakly at him.

     "Your dad's right, babe. Go back to bed." He kissed your forehead.

     "I'm sorry did you say 'babe'? Why would—?" You turned to look at your dad. "Hold up, did you say 'boyfriend'?" You sighed and nodded your head. Murphy stood behind you with his hand on your hips, being careful of your injuries.

     "Yes," you replied.

     "I don't think so." He chuckled darkly.

     "Well, I do." You scoffed. "I'm sorry but you don't own me, you don't control my life the way you think you do. You sent me away to die, I'm no longer your little girl, in case you have forgotten." You glared at him.

     "Easy now," Murphy whispered to you.

     "No, Murphy, I've had enough of not being able to control my own life. First the Ark and its rule. My father. Thelonious. Bellamy. For once I just want to be in control of my own life!" You yelled loudly. People turned to face you.

     "Calm down, sweetheart, you don't want to hurt yourself any more than you already are," Marcus tried to reason.

     "Don't tell me to calm down. Yes, I am hurt. Yes, I am in a lot of pain. But you know what hurts more? My father not trusting me to live my own life and learn from my mistakes." Marcus looked between you and Murphy.

     "This isn't going to end, is it?" You shook your head. "Fine, but I still don't approve." He shook his head. "I'll give you control, only so you can learn from your mistakes." He glared once more at Murphy before walking away. You turned to face Murphy with a smile.

     "Babe, that was really hot." You shook your head with a light laugh before pulling his face down to kiss him.

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