[BB+FC+JJ+MG+JM+L] Preference: Cuddling.

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Bellamy Blake:

Bellamy Blake. The Rebel King, leader of the delinquents, fallen from the sky. When you first met Bellamy, he had been sleeping around with almost every girl with a heartbeat. So, it came as a shock to you when one night he had walked into your tent, that you didn't share, took off his weapons and extra layers of clothing, and straight to your bed while wrapping his arms tightly around your waist letting out a large sigh. This had now become a regular thing, and soon after Bellamy asked you to move into his tent with him, while Raven had your tent. Bellamy would often start off by facing you with your arms wrapped around each other, he would give you light kisses on your forehead, lips, and nose while rubbing his thumb on your back. Bellamy started to become clingy both at night-time and during the day, he would try to have as much contact as possible, yet still seemed like the fearless leader the other delinquents pictured him as.

Finn Collins:

Finn fucking Collins. Cuddly as hell. Finn enjoyed his time that he spent with you, he liked the conversations you two shared, he especially enjoyed the cuddling. Whenever Finn came to your tent you knew he wanted to cuddle. Finn would lay behind you with his arms wrapped around you, one arm around your waist and the other one rubbing your arms. He would place his chin on your shoulder resting his head on yours slightly like a pillow, his breathing would become more even and he would close his eyes peacefully. He would sometimes tell you about his day as you would always be apart doing different jobs. But he would definitely enjoy listening to you speak while leaving little kisses on your shoulder every once in a while.

Jasper Jordan:

Jasper was new to the whole 'having a girlfriend' thing but didn't have a problem with the whole 'cuddling' thing. Although he was awkward with everything and anything, it was possibly his favourite thing about having you around, you know, after all the other more important aspects but it was one of his favourites. Whenever Jasper got some alone time with you, he would immediately wrap his arms around you, Jasper was the type of person to lay on his back and pull you on top of him, with his hands on your lower back linked together. He would tangle your legs together so you wouldn't be able to leave, and he would lay there in silence just enjoying his time that he has with you, he wasn't the type of person who liked to talk much when he was tired and wanting to go to bed.

Monty Green:

Monty would already be laying down on his back on the bed waiting for you to join him. You would lay next to him with your arms around his neck playing with his hair while your legs wrap around each other. He would have one hand around your waist loosely while the other ran up and down your arm gently while you both laid there. Some nights, Monty would discuss things with you, such as how the day went or if something had happened. On other occasions, you would be the first one in bed and he would be the one to go over to you, he would often place light kisses on your neck before trailing up to your lips while he settled down next to you on the bed with his hands wrapped around your waist tightly while you both faced each other.

John Murphy:

Murphy, although you wouldn't think this at first, is extremely needy when it comes to around the time of going to bed. Whenever you think you can just relax and go to sleep he just moans at you slightly from the other side of the bed to get you to move closer to him, when you do he instantly wraps his arms around your waist and buries his head to your neck and breathes in deeply. Every now and again he would place kisses on your neck or give you a quick squeeze while letting out a happy sigh, he would gently rub his hands down your arms or your back as well. He would sometimes tell you about his day and what happened if there ever comes a point during the day that you aren't by his side. There would be times that Murphy would play with your hair, more often the not creating the biggest knots he possibly could. When it came to cuddling, Murphy seemed to be just a normal happy teenager rather than one who witnessed the horrors of earth or the one who was the victim of so many possible deaths.


You and Lincoln usually had busy days, where you would have been training for fighting or doing something that required a lot of energy, so it was nice to be able to relax. More often than not, you would start off next to each other, while your head was on his chest, but you wouldn't be close enough to him as he would often say. He would pull your body on top of his and hand you place your hands around his neck while his hand rubbed your sides gently, or sometimes your back. Neither of you would talk but he would close his eyes just enjoying the moment he had with you, and you would do the same.

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