[JM] Accidents Happen? (Long Version)

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     Today had been an exceptionally hot day. Which according to the rebel leader and his princess meant that it was work for everyone as per usual. Everyone was still building the wall to make it stronger, Raven was cooped up in her tent making bullets along with Jasper who was helping. Monty was helping Clarke with God knows what. People were perched on the wall for guards watch and unluckily for you, you had been shoved into the meats hut.

Adding on to the original heat of the scorching sun you had a blazing inferno of heat just inches away from you as you hung up the meat on the beams to smoke them out. Sweat collected on you like a new layer of skin and the smoke from the fire clung to you covering you in a damp ashy mess.

You had your green army trousers rolled up as far as they could go, your combat boots were undone, stopping the heat from building up as much. Your coat was in your tent, which left you in a black tank top and a dog chain hanging off your neck. You pulled your hair up in a messy ponytail but it still couldn't keep the heat away from you.

You heard a tapping on the wooden frame of the hut and spun around to see Sterling, he smiled to you and motioned his head out of the hut to tell you to leave, as you left he stepped in taking your place. You could finally breathe again and walked over to your tent, you couldn't take the heat anymore and decided to change into clothes less damp and sticky.

You pulled off your boots and set them down by the end of your bed, you kicked off your jeans and threw them towards your boots leaving you in your long black socks scrunched down to your ankles, black sports shorts and a tank top. You took your chain off from around your neck and put it in your boot so it wouldn't get lost. You could feel the air on your skin once more and sighed a deep breath in relief. You turned around towards your bed and began to take off your tank top as it was still far too hot.

You had lifted your shirt up halfway passed your stomach when your tent flapped open and you spun around to be greeted with a smirking Murphy. He looked you up and down while stepping in completely closing the entrance of your tent. "Well, would you take a look at this," he started and you pulled your top down quickly trying to cover yourself. "Babe, this isn't the first time I've seen you in your underwear." This was true, he had a tendency to walk into your tent whenever he felt like it which was usually around the time you were getting changed.

"Murphy get out!" You growled at him, you glared as he continued to smirk. "Seriously, you have to stop doing this!" But he didn't. Instead, Murphy stared at you before taking his own top off, throwing it on the floor behind him, and walking towards you. "Murphy?" You questioned but he didn't reply, he only took hold of your own shirt and ripped it off you, throwing it to the side. "Mur—" He cut you off by placing his lips to yours.

As he kissed you, he ran his hands down your sides until they reached your hips, he was slightly taller than you by a couple of inches which meant he had to dip his head down to kiss you. You began to kiss him back, your eyes closed and your hands wrapped around his neck pulling yourself closer to him.

He lowered himself down slightly, crouching until he was just a bit shorter than you before he mumbled, "Jump." Against your lips, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist and his hands moved to hold you up.

He moved you both towards your bed before gently lowering you down, he climbed on top of you and continued to kiss you. You ran your hands through his hair as his lips began to slowly inch down towards your neck sucking at your skin, you tried to hold in a moan as he began sucking on one particular spot on your neck until a mark began to show. Your hands gripped his hair as he began to kiss down your chest and down your stomach. He stopped just before your shorts and sat up a bit to look at you, he was smirking once again before leaning back up to kiss you.

His kisses began to get rougher and sloppier as time went on, he and made you wrap your legs around his waist once more as he slowly started to grind himself against you. You moaned in the kiss making his slip his tongue in your mouth making the kiss even rougher than before. As the air began to get hotter your lungs began to struggle.

Murphy must have been the same as he pulled away panting for air, your legs were now unwrapped from his waist. He opened his eyes slowly and watched as you opened your eyes to look at him. He didn't have his signature smirk but a childish smile on his face. "Whoopsie," he mumbled quietly. "My bad." He raised his eyebrows at you before letting out a breathy laugh leaning his head down to the crook of your neck.

"Well, accidents do happen," you said just as quietly as you panted trying to catch your breath. You felt Murphy shake slightly before hearing a small laugh come from him. He leaned down once again as he began to kiss you more and more, restarting what happened earlier.

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