[RKA] As Cold As Ice.

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     People had their doubts, they whispered, they stared, they even went to the extent of trying to sway Roan to get him to have his own doubts. But Roan never listened to them. People had assumed that, with the quiet demeanour and lack of violent outbursts, you were nothing like your mother. They had barely scratched the surface with who you truly were. There was also doubt, that if Roan wasn't crowned, that you wouldn't have made a righteous Queen, one that fed off fear and destruction like she had done. But Queen Nia was now dead, thanks to Lexa, and Roan was now crowned King. The relationship between you and your older brother was better than the one you had with your own mother—despite Roan being banished for years and having no way of contacting him. After Lexa had died, and Ontari was killed because of Jaha and the chip, Roan had to take charge of Polis and the other clans. Many of the clans were upset and wanted to have the ambassadors take over and rule Polis before they found a worthy Nightblood to accept the role of Commander, but Azgeda wasn't ready to give up their power just yet.

Roan sat down on his throne, listening to Echo before she left. You couldn't help but laugh as the door closed behind her, slouching in the chair by the table next to the wall, facing away from the door and towards the window behind Roan. He turned his head to look at you. "Do you want to say something?" He tilted his head.

There was a brief pause before you shrugged a shoulder. "You're so... forced." You laughed again.

"Excuse me?"

You turned your head away from the knife you had balanced on the table, with the tip pointed at the table, carving a small hole in the wood, humming quietly as you smirked to yourself, staring at the floor. "You know, having a crown on your head doesn't mean you need a stick up your ass too."

Roan closed his eyes, never hearing the end of it from you. "I don't—"

"Skaikru is trying to help, Echo is making things worse," you interrupted. "You know I'm right. Clarke is your friend, despite how you treat her and her people occasionally."

"You think you can do a better job? Of negotiating with those people?"

"I know I can. Doesn't mean I want to."

"Why not?" He opened his eyes again, looking at you, watching as your smirk slowly dropped and your blank expression came back.

"I'm not our mother, and it's not my job."

Roan sighed. "I know."

"Our people think I'm weak," you spat, your top lip turned up in disgust as you thought of everything your mother had you do secretively while she was on the throne, knowing that no one else from Azgeda, who was alive that is, actually knew what you were capable of.

"You aren't," Roan argued.

After letting out a sigh, you tilted your head, glancing back at the knife, jamming it into the wood where it stayed before you rested your arm against the end of the table. "I would have gladly killed our mother and Ontari if given the chance."

"I know." He nodded. "But there would have been a riot."

"Over our mother, sure, not Ontari."

Roan looked back to the doors, both of his arms resting on the sides. "No one liked her."

You laughed again. "You can say that again, brother."

There was another knock at the door, your laughter died down and you ripped the knife from the wooden table, twirling it in your hand instead. Roan sighed, taking his eyes off you before he looked back to the door. "Come in," his gruff voice echoed around the room. The door opened with a loud creak, footsteps emerged into the room, as well as the scuffing of feet, clanking of chains, and muffled voices gagged by a piece of cloth. "What's the meaning of this?" Roan asked. You turned your head to the side, noticing Clarke chained up with Kane, but it wasn't something you hadn't seen before.

"They're keeping secrets from you, sire," one of the guards informed him.

"About what?"

"W-We don't know, sire."

You laughed quietly. "So, you hog tied and chained them? Was the gagging really necessary? It's not like they were going to speak anyway if what you're saying is true." The guard turned to look at you, glaring before he turned back to Roan.

"We should have them killed."

"Oh," you said loudly. "What a surprise, kill them before they tell us the truth. Very noble. But not very smart."

"Shut up," the guard hissed.

Roan held his hand up to silence him. "Leave us."

"But sire."



You stood up, throwing the knife back, lodging it into the guard's throat. "He said leave." Roan watched as you slowly turned to face the guard, stalking towards him as he dropped to his knees choking. "Last time I checked, you were meant to obey and listen to your King, not disobey him."

The guard tried to speak, but you shushed him like a mother would to her child, shaking your head, he had tears well up in his eyes. There was a glint in your eyes as you placed your left hand on the hilt of the sword that hung by your right hip. His eyes widened as he gripped onto his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. Roan said nothing as he heard the sword being removed from its holder. You held it up, watching as the candle light shone off it. While sighing, you glanced down to the guard, he tried to shake his head as you moved the sword, getting ready to swing it. Clarke and Kane turned to look at Roan, to see if he was going to stop it, but instead, he was smiling, watching proudly as you whispered in a dark voice.

"Yu gonplei ste odon."

The sword sliced through his neck, the small knife fell to the floor, clanging against the ground as his head rolled off to the side. You brought your right leg up and kicked his body back, smiling with satisfaction as it landed with a heavy thud. The sword dropped with blood, and, as you held it up still, the blood stained the white bandages you had around your hands, along with the hilt of the sword. You wiped the blood off slowly on your sleeve before putting it back, crouching down to pick up the smaller knife.

"What do you want done with the body?" You asked Roan, staring down at it as the blood continued to pour out around it.

"Throw it out with the rest of them."

"And what do you want me to tell his family?"

By this time, you knew Clarke and Kane were looking at you horrified, having believed the rumours that you were nothing more than Roan's shy, younger sister. Roan tilted his head. "Tell them the truth, he was a coward and a traitor, you could have given him a more painful death, but you spared him of that."

You hummed. "That I did, brother, that I did."

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