[BB+FC+CG+OB+CL] Preference: Stressed Out.

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Bellamy Blake:

Bellamy would notice people trying to avoid you throughout the day, such as walking in the opposite direction to you when they saw you or moving out of the way like you repelled them. Bellamy would have to ask someone why they were acting like that not understanding what was wrong, but when they tell him that you were stressed and they don't want you to lash out and hurt them or yourself, they thought it would be best to leave you alone while you sort it out. Bellamy thought differently. He would try to get you whatever you needed or ask you if he could help, but you knew he wouldn't know what to do if you agreed, so you just let him hand you items when you ask for them or ask him to go find someone and tell them something so you didn't have to get up and stress about not finding them.

Finn Collins:

Finn would notice how you paced over and over in the dropship, wincing every once in a while, with your arms crossed and one hand playing with your chapped lips. He wouldn't know what was wrong until he heard Jaspers screams of pain causing you to wince again, he would take your hand without saying anything and drag you away from the dropship telling you that you needed to 'get some air and rest up as Jasper would still be there in the morning' putting your mind slightly at ease.

Clarke Griffin:

You knew the plan was a bad idea from the minute it came out of Bellamy's mouth, but of course, you never voiced your opinions as he would just shoot you down with a look and tell you he knew more than you did. But Clarke would see the look on your face and drag you away from the group before asking you what you thought would be a better idea, which would shock you because you never thought one of the leaders would want to hear what you had to say. So, when you tell her a better idea she nods and tells Bellamy that his plan had changed, which he couldn't say no to, they had to work together.

Octavia Blake:

You were getting ready to start training again after you had been injured, you knew Indra wouldn't take pity on you or go easy for your first day back because 'the enemy won't go easy so why should I' which would be more of a statement than a question. Octavia would walk into your tent asking you if you were ready but would find it empty, she would look everywhere for you before finding you already in the training area way before everyone else to get a head start and get used to moving with your healing body. She would hear you mutter to yourself telling you to 'suck it up' or 'get over it' or 'it was just a stab wound, nothing that will keep you back', she would sigh to herself before grabbing the spear out of your hands and holding it away from you, which you were ready to yank back, before she tells you that you were standing on your feet wrong and that you would have been tackled to the ground unless you space your legs out more.

Commander Lexa:

You had been taken in by the Grounders as their new healer, you had worked with Abby on the Ark before being sent to Earth. You had recently been looking after a young boy who had fallen from a tree and landed on his knife that cut his side, Lexa walked passed the doorway noticing you sitting on the chair with your head in your hands. She would slowly walk back and lean against the doorway watching you before scaring you as she asks if everything is okay, you would nod weakly before sitting up leaning back on the chair as she walks in looking to the boy who was sleeping 'he'll wake up, I know you did well' she would say as she looks back over to you, she had complete faith in you.

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