[JJ] Wimp.

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     The music filled the room with an eerie feeling, the flickering light, from the screen, cast moving shadows in each corner of the room. It felt like you were being watched, trapped inside a room with one exit that was hidden in the middle of the shadows in front of you behind the bright screen.

The flickering lights, the music, and the low temperature of the room made you feel uneasy, you didn't like it but the boy next to you did so you sucked up any complaints you had just to make him happy for the night.

"See, little one? It's not that sca—" He began in a gentle voice before the TV screamed at him making him jump and yell out, "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HECK?!" He flopped around on the sofa, he resembled a fish out of water. Once the screams had calmed down along with his extremely quick beating heart you turned your head to him clearing your throat.

"You were saying, something about it not being that—" You dragged out your last word, almost waiting for him to continue when you realised he wasn't going to reply only look down at you in shock. You continued yourself, "Scary." It was meant to be a question but it came out more like a statement.

"Shut up, little one, I wasn't that scared." He moved his body so that his left arm was around your shoulder and his legs were mirroring yours, tucked up to his chest with his right arm holding them close to him. However, for you, it was your left arm holding your legs to you and your right arm was rested on his legs.

"Sure, you weren't, Jasp, sure keep telling yourself that," you mocked him before the TV screen displayed the horrifying images of blood being spat out of someone's body and sprayed across another's face. "Fucking hell!" You jumped breathing in a deep breath to calm yourself down.

"See! Even you jumped!" His voice was high almost trying to defend his point, you laughed and shook your head at him before turning your head to look back to the screen.

At some points during the movie you would both cringe at scenes where either blood appeared or where mass amounts of gore had been shown or when a cliché part happened, you would both gasp out in shock or empathy for the non-existing characters that weren't actually being murdered.

Sometimes Jasper would slowly lift his right arm up to cover your eyes when a mildly sexual scene occurred, stating that you were 'too pure to see it' whereas he would have his eyes glued to the screen like the hormonal teenage boy he was. But you wished that at some point when he did hide your eyes he would place his hand on your cheek and turn your face to him and his you with his soft lips and he would run his hands down—

"AH SHIT!" He yelled out cutting your thoughts off, he hid his head on your shoulder catching you off guard, what was he doing? He wasn't normally like this.

"Jasp—" You laughed out quietly. "You okay?" You rubbed his arm softly and he pulled away coughing awkwardly, sitting back up with his arm still around your shoulder and his legs stretched out in front of him on the small coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Yes, are you? You seemed pretty—" He turned his head to look at you and noticed you looking at him and snapped his head back to the screen. "Pretty scared just then, and being the nice person, I am, I played along with you." You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You're a wimp, you know that, right?" He looked at you with a fake hurt expression. "Like a full-on wimp, you went completely full on wimp just then, Jasp." You laughed at him and he pouted his lips at you, if only you could just lean forward and kiss him...

"I did not!" He argued back while looking back at the screen. "The movie finished, should I put on another one?" He was about to stand up when he noticed you were already picking out a movie and putting it on. "Or you can that too, that's—" His voice tailed off and you turned to look at him and noticed his eyes watching you. "That's fine, that's yeah..." Before they snapped up to look at yours. "What did you—What did you pick?" He picked up his cup from the small table beside him and took a drink of water then put it back.

"Well if your discs actually had names on them I would know, it was just in the horror pile, so a horror I guess." You responded before shuffling back to the sofa and sitting next to him again with a gap in between you two.

"Yeah sorry about that."

You could see from the corner of your eye that he looked down at the gap that separated you two with...A slightly annoyed face? He shuffled a bit closer to you until he was satisfied with the distance and watched the screen again.

It was coming up to the forth movie you put on when Jasper decided he wanted to lay down on the sofa. "Jasper!" You whined as he moved you until you laid on top of him with his arms around your waist and your head on his chest.

"Just in case you get scared, little one, you can cuddle with me. I will keep you safe." He smiled at you and you rolled your eyes scoffing.

"More like in case you get scared, you wimp." He groaned out annoyed and you smirked to yourself resting your head back down on his chest.

It was close to the end of the movie when you spoke up. "Hey, Jasp—" You were cut off by the light snores coming from the boy underneath you. "Oh." You smiled at him and took off his goggles he wore and placed them on the coffee table.

"Thanks," he mumbled quietly, you turned to face him and opened your mouth to reply. "For saving me. I don't want the monsters to get me...No, he has a chainsaw...No, don't." You tried to stifle the laughs that threatened to come out when you realised he was dreaming. "No...I love her, don't hurt her." What? Who does he love? "He's watching movies...I said I was...No...Leave her...Alone...Little one..." Little one? He called you little one.

Was he dreaming about you? Does he love you? You felt him take in a deep breath before opening his eyes again trying to sit up, his arms were still tightly around you so you couldn't get off him but you could sit up.

"Are you okay Jasper?" You asked him and watched as he looked from the TV to you. When he saw you he smiled faintly, but when he looked down to see you sitting on his lap he smiled a bit more almost blushing.

"Yeah, I'm good. What time is it?" You looked at your watch and noticed how late it was.

"It's three a.m., maybe I should get back." You stood up off him and went to collect your things. He stopped when you were about to put your shoes on, he placed his arm on your shoulder leading you away from the door making you drop your shoes.

"Stay with me, don't leave," he croaked out, his voice was a bit deep from not using it for a while. His arms moved from your shoulder, down your arms, and to your hands.

"Alright, fine." You sighed out as he brought you to his room handing you some of his pyjamas to get changed. As you walked back into his room from the bathroom you saw he was sleeping on his bed, you climbed in next to him and closed your eyes.

A couple of minutes later you felt his arms go around your waist and pull you towards him. "I'll keep you safe, little one, I love you," he whispered, kissing your bare shoulder that his shirt didn't cover, that was all you could remember before you drifted off into your dreams.

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