[BB] Truth Serum.

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Drumming sounded out from makeshift drums some of the other delinquents made out of old remaining parts of the dropship, in actual fact, anything that they could get their hands on that Raven would let them have. The sky was black and empty with the sole exception of the moon that stood alone in the ocean of darkness.

     The camp was illuminated with the firelight casting a glow on whatever it touched, the dropship entrance was as dark as the place from which it once came. The leaves on trees gave off a vibrant yet dim colour of green that you grew to love, the whites and reds from the parachutes of the drop-ship scattered around camp lighting colour up in the camp. Everything was as it should be.

     "So," Monty called to you, snapping you out of your trance and bringing you back to reality. "Jasper wants to know if a bear and a shark went into battle which one would win?" You turned to face them, the clear liquid in your cup sloshed around and spilled over the edge of the cup a little.

     "Me, I would win," you slurred out a bit making Jasper click his finger to you looking at Monty again. "Because why the hell not! Whatever the hell we want!" You yelled out happily taking another sip of your drink.

     "I told you Monty, didn't I tell you! I told you." He now looked at you and smiled drunkenly. "I told him you would win, but he got upset that you weren't an original option." You laughed at his face as he spoke, he looked like he was enjoying himself far too much, a hell of a lot more than anybody else. "What a little, a little...What are we talking about?" He looked between both of you before holding his head laughing. "Whoa dizzy." He snorted out an inward laugh and took a large swig of his drink.

     "Jasper! You are spilling the drink down yourself! You missed the cup to your mouth completely!" Monty groaned to him before laughing. "Did you, did, did you know—" He hiccupped and his eyes lazily stayed open. "That cows can't go down stairs? What is cow? Cow is what? Where cow, cow?" Monty looked annoyed with himself as he continued saying cow repeatedly. "Is cow a word?" Jasper shrugged at you squinted your eyes in concentration.

     "No, I don't think it is," you finally concluded which seemed to be enough for the dark-haired boy before he jumped right into another conversation.

     You lifted the cup to your lips and took a drink of the burning liquid, it was strong, you would give Monty props for making such a strong drink, he mentioned something about adding berries to make it taste nicer, and luckily you didn't pull a Jasper and you actually got the moonshine in you rather than on you.

     "Hey, so, guess what!" Jasper said loudly while burping out and then proceeded to cough. "I'm going to marry Octavia, yep, I'm marrying that girl, oh and Monty you're our bride's maid oh and you—"

     He placed his free hand on your shoulder gripping onto it while placing the other hand holding the cup on your other shoulder resting his hand there.

     "You can be my best man, bro we're sorted!"

     You nodded to him and Monty raised his hand and Jasper and yourself copied his action before using your other hand to slap the raised hand as a three-way high five.

     "Awe—some—" He hiccupped before squinting his eyes. "Oh, hey look, brother bear has come over to party with the three amigos, making it a quartet, oh yeah, let's start harmonising." He pulled Monty away and began croaking out a horrible sound from his mouth.

     Bellamy stumbled slightly but quickly gained his balance. "Hello, bambino," Bellamy said, his voice wasn't as strong as it usually was and you knew he was drunk. "So, hey listen, hey listen, hey, hey listen, listen to me, hey listen, listen, hey—" He rested his arm on your shoulder and faced you away from camp mumbling out his repetitive speech that was going nowhere. "I need you, okay, I need, I need you, I need more drink—" He swung back his cup to his lips and finished the moonshine dropping his cup to the floor. "I need you to promise me something—" He looked at you trying to be serious but his right eye kept twitching shut. "Can you promise me something?" He whispered to you.

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