[BB] Looks Like The Truth Is Out.

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     "Could you pass me that?" Finn had called out to you from the other side of the hut, you looked down to the table and picked up the small carving knife, you leaned over the table holding it out to him, his hand brushed against yours as he took it from you.

It had been a quiet day, from what you had gathered. The other delinquents were still building the wall and Murphy was instructing them, you rolled your eyes at his attempts of proving to be better than the rest.

"What do you need the knife for, Finny?" You asked as you cut the meat from the bones of one of the newer kills, he chuckled before glancing over to you. "I'm pretty sure that a carving knife won't get the job done quicker than a normal knife, so what gives?" You looked up at him and pulled a face of disgust as he held up a skull with a wider cut mouth. "Really? Did you make a mask out of a dead animal's skull? What purpose is that going to serve, Finny?" You shook your head at him.

"It looks cool, doesn't it?" He ignored your clear outburst of disgust and walked closer to you, you held up your knife to him to make sure he kept his distance. "C'mon, give Finn a kiss." You squealed as he came closer, you put the knife down and ran out of the hut quickly, he ran after you laughing, clearly enjoying creeping you out. "Just one kiss." He laughed out in a joking manner.

"Back the fuck up, Collins, or I swear that skull won't be the only thing carved up!" You shouted back as you wove in and out of the delinquents who laughed at the sight. Finn managed to grab you from behind and spin you around. "Finny, let me go!" You yelled out while laughing. "Put me down now." You kicked your legs and laughed.

You heard a throat being cleared, you looked up to see Bellamy standing there with his arms crossed and an unreadable expression on his face.

"Oh, hey Bellamy," Finn breathed out as he put you down and took the skull off of his face. Bellamy didn't respond, you didn't know what was wrong with him, he never usually acted this way. Finn patted your shoulder before walking back towards the hut. "I'll let you two talk, but don't leave me alone for too long." Finn smiled lightly before walking away. You looked back to Bellamy.

"I see you've been having fun," Bellamy's tone was harsh, the opposite from what you're used to hearing from him.

You have been friends—best friends—with the eldest Blake, even before being sent down, he was the only person who understood what you were going through with your family and he made you feel happy. You loved him for that. Probably more than best friend love, but that was something you kept to yourself, in fear of losing the only true happiness you've had in your life.

"Maybe you should get back to work with 'Finny,'" He spat out the name you had given Finn, the boy you considered somewhat a brother.

"Bell, I—" He held his hand up silencing you. You stared at him in shock. He had never acted this way to you before and, quite frankly, it hurt. Was he jealous? You knew that couldn't be the case, he considered you a sister, well you assumed so, he treated you with the same love he had for his sister so what else were you to expect? His jaw tightened as he stepped closer, so no one else could hear what he was saying.

"I gave you a job, and what do you do? Play dress up with Collins instead. You should be doing the job I gave you, not playing a game of cat and mouse, because we both know that you're a horrible fighter and wouldn't be able to defend yourself against a living thing, that's why I let you deal with the dead."

It felt like he had pushed his fist through your chest, ripped out your heart and shoved it back down your oesophagus. You tried to hold back the tears, but the aching pain in your chest made it hard.

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