[BB+JM+MG+JJ+NM] Preference: Bad Day.

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Bellamy Blake:

Bellamy had noticed that you weren't your usual self, cracking jokes, standing the way he was standing, or mimicking his actions and voice. He knew something was off the minute he watched you leave your tent in the morning with your head down and arms crossed over your body as you went to leave the camp. He had followed you carefully before seeing you sitting down on a fallen tree staring off into the distance with a blank look on your face, he knew he didn't have to say anything to you specifically and sat down next to you pulling your head to his shoulder and wrapping his arm around you.

He could feel your smaller arms wrap around his waist tightly before hearing you mumble, "Thank you." He knew all you needed was someone to hold you, to let you know they were there and that they cared.

John Murphy:

Murphy barged into your tent ready to start up your nerves, expecting you to be doing something important for him to distract you from annoying you even more, but closed his mouth when he saw you laying down on the makeshift bed staring at the top of the tent.

He walked in slowly and looked at you. "Today is one of those days, isn't it?" He asked and watched you nod slowly. "Okay, scoot over."

You moved your body to the side to let him lay down on the bed next to you. You laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arm around his chest while pulling your leg over his.

"Do you want to talk about it?" You shook your head and he nodded before placing his hand on your head running his fingers through your hair. "Okay," he simply said. "I can't wait for you to smile again," he said softly before placing his other hand on your arm that was laying across his chest.

Monty Green:

Monty watched you pace back and forth in the drop-ship, he raised an eyebrow before seeing tears rolling down your cheek.

"Hey," he said quietly making you freeze.

He had been one of your best friends for a long time, even on the Ark, and so he knew when you were having a bad day.

"I'm here now," he spoke softly as he walked up to you and pulled you into a hug. "I've got you," he whispered as he placed his right hand on your waist and took your right and in his left and began to sway side to side, you placed your left arm around his neck gripping the fabric of his shirt while resting your head on his shoulder. "Just like the Ark, just like old times," he said as you continued to sway. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath finally able to breathe and feel like you could let all your worries go. He was right, he had you.

Jasper Jordan:

Jasper was sitting next to you in the meat hut watching you cut up the meat, but he watched as you violently slammed the knife into it and ripped it apart. He cautiously gripped your wrist with the knife and took the pointy metal object away from you and set it down beside him.

"Don't take it out on the meat, everyone will be able to taste your anger," he joked making you look at him, he gulped under your glare. "Why don't I give you a massage? I mean sure I have bony hands but it will be free." He gave you a smile making you sigh and nod your head.

Jasper grinned at you and pulled you closer to him so you sat in front of him on the floor while he sat on the wooden stool, he began to run his fingers on your shoulders and gently rub the skin.

"You know, if I knew what I was doing I would say you are very tense, but then again I don't know what I'm doing, in fact, I never do," he started. "Once, on the Ark, I was with Monty and he told me to find a plant for him, I don't know what it was called, I don't even think I did back then. I thought I got the right plant because you know they all look the same..." he continued to waffle on, making you smile. He knew how to cheer you up.

Nathan Miller:

You weren't sure how it started but you felt like everything was going wrong, suddenly everything you were doing was failing terribly and everyone else around you knew it. Clarke had told you to take the day off and try again tomorrow, but you knew she was still thinking the same thing, she knew that you were messing up. Miller walked into the tent that you shared and looked at you.

"What's up?" He said as if nothing was wrong. "Clarke told me that she let you off for the day?" He asked unsure if that was actually what happened, you nodded to him as he sat down beside you. "In that case, I've got the day off too," he said putting the gun down at the end of the bed. You looked at him confused. "If you're not working then I'm not, it's not fair." He grinned at you, you shook your head and groaned as you knew what was coming.

Miller, however, nodded and held his fingers up to you.

"You know what time it is." You protested and tried to move away but he grabbed your waist and started to tickle you.

He didn't stop until you had tears coming from your eyes from laughter, he was laying on top of you with a big smile.

"I'm not letting you have a bad day," he said before kissing your forehead.

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