[CG] Doctors Orders.

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     "You can run, but you can't hide," your voice was low as you crouched down behind the bushes peering out into the open space of the woods, you had been running after a deer—mutant deer that is—when it had suddenly fallen into one of the traps you had set up. "That was too easy, c'mon Earth, give me a challenge." You smirked to yourself as you got up and stood in front of the deer, it was struggling against the ropes it had tangled itself into.

Your day outside of the wall wasn't initially meant to be a game of cat and mouse with a mutant deer, just a simple hunting trip, but plans change. You waited until the deer had stopped squirming before plunging a knife into its heart to kill it, its legs twitched for a second before it hung limply and swayed side to side. You carefully climbed the side of the tree before cutting down the rope, you jumped down and put the knife in your pocket before pulling the dead deer onto your shoulders.

"Really?" You groaned as it started to pour with rain, you thought you had got used to the odd cold feeling that the rain had brought when it first rained on Earth and soaked you all the way through your clothes. You refrained yourself from rolling your eyes at the memory of the male delinquents offering up their spare warm clothes with a glint in their eyes. You—being the nice person you wanted others to believe—had to let them down gently by saying that you didn't mind the cold and that they should keep their clothes for themselves.

You didn't really have the heart to tell them that they weren't exactly the team you swung for. You didn't want to be treated any differently for being your true self, it seemed like no one else on Earth was into the same things you were, so you kept quiet. You knew that they wouldn't throw you out of camp, but you'd get weird looks and you didn't want that. You shook your head and continued walking, sighing as you got to one of the slopes in the woods.

"I swear, the rain better not mess with my balance," you grumbled as you slowly made your way down the hill, but of course, luck was never on your side. The rain had caused one part of the hill to be extremely slippery and unstable to walk on, your foot had lost its grip and slid down causing you and the deer to go with it. Your body was pushed over rocks sticking out of the hill and you landed with a groan and a sharp pain in your side, as you tried to get up you hissed in pain before noticing some blood seeping through your shirt.

You had landed on a rock that cut through your side, you internally cursed yourself for being reckless but knew you weren't the only one who was going to have a say in how irresponsible you were. You slowly pushed your body up off the ground and lifted the deer over your shoulder once more, each step was more painful than the last, your body covered in wet mud. You stumbled across the forest floor until you got to camp.

"Open up the gates!" You heard one of the delinquents yell out, who had been on watch, the gates started to open and two boys rushed out to take the deer from your body. "Are you alright?" The same boy from watch called down to you from his perch, you nodded slowly, but your head started to pound and your vision started to blur. "Bring her in!" He yelled at the boy who was still beside you, just watching you. He lifted your arm up and placed it over his shoulder helping you in. "Get her to Clarke." He told the boy before going back to his watch.

"I'm fine, I just fell over, it's only a scratch, I'm fine." You hissed in pain but tried to keep your voice level, the delinquent obviously ignored you as he pulled you up the ramp of the dropship and inside, the pounding of metal echoed through your skull and made the pain worse. "I'm fine," you tried again, you weren't sure if this kid was deaf or just stupid. "I said I'm fine. What part of I'm fine don't you get?" You growled at him.

"You're not fine," you heard Clarke speak up, you lowered your head waiting for the speech. "Put her down on the table." You closed your eyes in pain as you settled on your back, you could feel your shirt being lifted up slightly and you gripped her hand forcing Clarke to stop. "I need to see the wound." You shook your head. "Pass me a bowl of water and a cloth." You heard Clarke mumble to the boy who dragged you in.

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