[BB] Friends Without Benefits?

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     The grey ceiling above you became all too familiar with you as you felt Bellamy move around, getting up to put his clothes on. It was a normal thing. Most nights when he came back to your place after his shift he would walk straight in, pin you against the door. His mouth already attacking your skin with kisses and hickeys. His hands already fumbling to rip your clothes off as you made quick work of his own.

     You remembered that last night was slightly different, he seemed to be distant, almost like he wasn't really there in the room with you. You knew something was up when he let you take over. He was usually the more dominant type, but he was submissive last night. You didn't mention anything because you knew that it would just ruin the moment and things would get awkward.

     Although you and Bellamy were both friends, you hardly knew anything about him, you never went to his place, it was always yours. Not that you really complained, it was better if people saw him leaving your room rather than you having to walk back to yours with messy hair and love bites all over your skin. When you say all over, you meant it, usually, in the morning, he'd love to see what he had left on your skin.

     But he didn't this time.

     Instead, he got up quietly. You weren't sure if he thought you were awake or not, but he was quiet. He didn't say good morning or look over to you as he put his uniform back on and left very early to go back to his room to get ready for his guard shift. As soon as the door closed you sat up, pulling the thin sheet around you as you stared at the door then around the room before landing your eyes on the empty space of the bed.

     Most days you'd wish he had stayed or at least talked to you more. But that wasn't the deal you made together. You'd only fool around in bed and occasionally hang out. But you'd never take the relationship further than physical. But you started to crave the emotional side of a relationship. It wasn't your fault. The plan was that as soon as one of you gained feelings for the other you'd break it off and wait until you could start up again.

     But you knew that wouldn't happen.

     You knew that if he found out about your feelings he would just up and leave. Letting you sit there in the dust while he went to fool around in somebody else's bed. You knew at the moment that it was only you that he was with, he didn't want the risk of spreading or catching anything from anyone else and giving it to you, which you guessed was nice of him. It was almost impossible for him to be with someone else, with him being a guard, being with you, and heading straight home to his mum.

     You knew you were the only one he was with.

     At least that was what he told you. He promised you that he was, but then again, how sure could you be with someone so closed off? Someone you felt like you hardly knew most days. Someone who probably didn't even know themselves. You breathed out a breath you didn't realise you had been holding in and decided to get dressed, at least hoping to get him off your mind as you went to your workstation.

     The machine hum throughout the Ark was usually background noise to your ears, you never really use to notice the small clink in the hum every so often, but now it got louder each time, taunting you as you walked through small crowds of people going about their day.

     The hair on your body stood up, something felt off. It was almost like your mind was laughing at you, making you feel like everyone was staring and whispering about you, even when they didn't even take notice of you.

     You shook your head and breathed in deeply then released the breath before walking into the trading station where you worked. Usually having to trade ration points or something of equal or higher value to the piece of junk you'd be seeking back—although, to the buyers, the piece of junk would be like gold compared to what they trade.

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