[CG] Earths Secrets.

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     This was the day to remember.

     Although being one of the most put off days of all time. According to your memory, if you recalled correctly, it wasn't necessarily because you didn't want this day to come, that was the complete opposite of what you wanted, but it was because you were nervous as hell about what was to happen next.

     It was odd to think that you were more nervous about this than you were about a Grounder war. Truth be told, you would place both events on the same place on a scale of how scared they made you feel. But you pushed those thoughts aside and the thought of how ready you were for this day, despite what you were thinking earlier you had decided to think about the other person who was involved in this event as well.


     Clarke Griffin.

     Now she was something you wouldn't mind thinking about all day.

     She was a strong leader who took charge of the one hundred delinquents that had set course for planet Earth, including yourself. She was brave, courageous, smart, and someone who you could trust. Someone you could trust with all your heart and know they would keep it.

     She made you happy and you sure as hell hoped she felt the same way or this would be extremely awkward considering the amount of time you have spent by her side even when she was with Finn at first. It did hurt to see them together, but it took a while before she noticed you, which happened to include a lot of flirting, scratch that, a fuck load of flirting and hinting, to get her to realise that you two were meant to be.

     You always liked to think it was because of your kickass personality and downright goddess-like features, not to brag or anything but you were awesome.

     But her, wow, she was absolutely flawless, there was no denying it. Her blonde hair and blue eyes, and her extreme knowledge of basically everything made you fall hard for the girl, and you didn't regret it at all.

     "Clarke, hey it's going to be okay," you spoke softly to the anxious blonde in front of you, you had your hands placed on her cheeks making her look directly at you and nothing else. "I'm going to be right by your side and I'm not going anywhere, no matter what, okay?" You rubbed her cheeks with your thumbs and kissed her forehead smiling at her gently. You saw her nod slowly before she sighed out.

     "What if she doesn't understand, or accept it—Us? I mean...What if she doesn't accept us? I can't lose you. I've lost too much already."

     Her powerful voice was now quiet and timid. Her eyes showed worry and fear as they darted around your face to take in your features, but your smile didn't falter which made her slightly at ease that at least one of you weren't panicking about the whole ordeal.

     "Just promise me that you won't leave me, I need you." She now had a bit more confidence in her voice and you removed your hands from her face and straighten your back nodding to her. "Okay. Okay, I think I'm ready now. No, I know I'm ready now," she corrected herself nodding towards you letting out a long breath she was holding in.

     You motioned your head behind her which made her turn around and walk confidently towards the medical tent that her mum, Abby, was in checking over the last couple of people who were either sick or injured.

     Clarke moved with such optimism it made you smile at her, she held her head up and marched through the small crowds of people to get to the medical tent, but as soon as you neared the entrance her persona morphed back into her previous one.

     She turned back to you with shaking hands, but you gave her a credulous look, snapping her back into reality, she knew it had to be done, the sooner the better. She twisted back around to the entrance and moved the material to walk inside holding it out of the way for you as well.

     Abby was in the back area of the tent cleaning up her medical supplies and you placed a hand on Clarke's lower back gently edging her towards her mum. As she began to walk to the back you couldn't help but worry about what Abby would say about the idea of you dating her only daughter. Clarke parted the clear material door of the back room to walk in.

     "Mum? Do you have a minute? I need to talk to you—We need to talk to you." Abby put down whatever she was doing and nodded towards her daughter smiling, Clarke turned to you. "Should she sit? Should we?" You shook your head at her smiling lightly. "Okay, alright then. We have nothing to lose might as well just say it...Actually, we have everything to lose, maybe we should-"


     Both you and Abby spoke cutting Clarke off from rambling on as she always seems to do.

     "Clarke, sweetie, what's wrong?" Her mum grew a worried look and placed a hand on her child's shoulder. "What are you on about?" She directed her question at Clarke and looked between the two of you.

     "Maybe you should sit." You motioned to the stool behind her and she slowly lowered herself down onto it before nodding for you to continue. "Okay—" You breathed out nervously. "I'm not sure if this is the right way to come out and say it but here it goes, Clarke and I—" You motioned a finger to Clarke then yourself. "We're da—"

     "Dating, I know," Abby spoke before waving her hand absently at you.

     "Wait, you knew?" This time Clarke spoke up, looking her mother shocked and confused. "How? We weren't even being obvious about it." Clarke was no longer nervous, it hard to actually pinpoint how she felt right now, it was a mix of different things.

     "Clarke, I'm your mother, we know these things. Besides, did you really think I wouldn't notice the weird, extremely long looks you gave her when she wasn't looking at you? Actually, you did it regardless of whether she was looking at you or not. Or how close you stood next to each other? Your shoulders basically touching. The whispering you two always did? How you always spent time with only each other during the day? Clarke, even a blind person could see you two are dating."

     By this time Abby was standing up with her hands on the sides of Clarke's face, she moved her hands down to her daughter's shoulder before rubbing them gently smiling.

     "And I'm happy for you."

     "So, you're okay with us dating?" Clarke looked hopefully at her mum who just nodded and mouthed a small 'yeah.' "You don't have anything against the fact I have a girlfriend?" Abby shook her head and looked to you smiling before glancing back to her daughter.

     "She makes you happy, in fact, this is the happiest I've seen you. Why would I be against my own child's happiness? I'm just glad you decided to tell me, in your own time." Abby stood back from her daughter and pulled you in for a hug. "Thank you for making Clarke smile," she whispered to you before stepping back. "Anything else you two want to tell me? Or can I get back to work?" Clarke shook her head at her mum smiling before awkwardly turning around and walking back out the clear material back door.

     "Oh, I forgot—" Clarke laughed slightly before walking back in and taking hold of your hand and dragging you out with her. "My girlfriend." You snorted out a laugh at her. Once you both left the medical tent Clarke let out a sigh of relief followed by one from yourself. "Didn't think it would go that well," she spoke honestly looking at you. "But I hoped it would." She grinned, making you smile.

     "Yeah, me too." You nodded to her kissing her cheek. "I love you, Clarke." Her smile grew on her face.

     "I love you too," she said loudly and confidently before pulling you in for a gentle kiss.

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