[HM] Fight To The End.

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"Again," Anya growled as she threw you another training weapon for the eighth time, she had been training with you, trying to help you improve, but not by much, you were almost as good as she was and she wanted to get you ready for when she planned to attack the intruders camp.

     You spun the weapon and waited for her to attack first, she let out a yell before you dodged her attack and wiped her feet out from beneath her causing her to land on her back.

     "Again," you repeated with a smirk, she glared at you and got back up. "You're losing your touch, Gona Heda," you taunted her and got ready to attack once more. "It's almost like you want to lose." She knew you were trying to encourage her as well, not just yourself. "The intruders might think you're an easy target, and so far, I've knocked you down thirteen times, you've only knocked the weapon from me eight." You tightened your grip on the training weapon.

     She stood back up and swung at you, you grabbed hold of her wrist as made her drop the weapon. She used her other arm to land a punch to the side of your face. You let go and spat out some blood on the ground before picking up your weapons once more. You both circled each other before taunting her again, making her breathe deeply.

     "Silence, Gona." She would often call you warrior instead of your real name when you were training, it sounded more professional, and you did the same with her.

     She lifted up her weapon and went to attack, you dodged but she was quick to attack once more, you smirked at her and continued to attack, to dodge, to improve. Anya was watching you closely with a proud smile on her face.


     "You miss her, don't you?" Lexa snapped you out of your trance, you were staring at the spot that you use to train with Anya. You looked over at her before looking back with your jaw tightened. You knew that Lexa was going to be chosen as Heda, you couldn't have picked a better Commander, but you just wished that Anya hadn't left so soon.

     "I miss a lot of things, but I learn to live without them, you shouldn't live in the past, Heda, the future is more important," you told her.

     You weren't as close to Lexa as you were to Anya, but you were still considered friends. Anya was like a sister to you and that would never change, even if she was your Warrior Commander. Lexa turned to look at you.

     "That is exactly what I'm doing," she told you. "I am thinking about the future of our people, of our clans. That is why I have decided to take the deal with Clarke and the Sky People. I understand if you do not wish to stand by me, but I have seen the way you looked at the Sky Girl, I know you will make the right decision." You gulped slightly but kept a straight face. "There is nothing wrong with liking her, just know that it won't be easy to save all of them," she warned you.

     "It's never easy, Heda, but as long as we can still breathe, we fight." You glanced over to her. "But don't think that I haven't noticed your eyes on the blonde either, just know that she is about as hot-headed as you are, Commander." Lexa smirked at you. "She is the reason why you agreed, is she not?" You knew the answer already.

     She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Be ready before midnight, we leave with the Sky People for Mount Weather, be prepared to fight, Gona." She turned around and walked away leaving you alone with the memories of Anya.

     You looked back and could still see yourself and her training, you could hear her encouragements and taunts, but most importantly you could hear her voice telling you that when you find something worth fighting for, you fight to the end.


     "Lexa that was our deal," Clarke pleaded, your people had already dispersed back towards your village. "You made a promise!" Clarke's voice was broken and desperate. Lexa looked towards the mountain then back to Clarke. "Lexa, it's not just my people that are in there, your people are too!" Lexa looked back at Clarke with a blank expression, one that you only saw when she didn't want to show her feelings.

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