[OB] Dating Would Include:

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• not understanding what was going on when you were sent to the dropship
• when you land on Earth, you're terrified, as expected for someone who was launched in a metal pod, away from your family
• when you get out of your chair and climb down the ladder, you see HER
• not believing she has a brother, like everyone else, but not saying anything, like the other delinquents did, without knowing all the facts first
• Bellamy probably wouldn't trust you to be near her like the others (cue the 'scary, protective, big brother mode' that activated so fast, even the Flash got whiplash from it)
• joining Clarke and the others to find Mount Weather and trying to save her from the water snake
• rolling your eyes at Finn and Octavia 'flirting'
• helping her walk on her injured leg
• not knowing what you feel for her, considering you've literally just met
• but it's something different
• you don't feel the same way for her as you do the others
• which freaks you out a bit
• Octavia noticing you trying to keep your distance for the next couple of days
• as her new best friend (you had no choice, but you didn't complain bc you got to spend time with her without coming up with a lame excuse like you would have had to do otherwise) she crossed her arms over her chest, limped over to you and cornered you in your tent to ask what the hell was going on
• having to tell her it's nothing (that's what you say)
• but it's somETHING (that's what you don't say)
• Octavia watches you closely, glaring, before nodding
• which isn't a good sign bc now she's up to something
• becoming more quiet and distant when she is with Atom
• trying to show that it doesn't affect you is a lot more difficult than you first thought it would be tho
• catching Octavia's glances at you while she's with him and she gives you a strange look when you look away from her quickly
• even when she flirts with Finn, you go from your normal personality or being quiet, avoiding eye contact with her
• when Lincoln comes around, you give up all hope
• still being her best friend
• she goes to you for everything
• everything she can't say to someone else (mainly Lincoln)
• if you were taken to Mount Weather, the damn samurai herself would take on every single Weatherman alone to make sure you were okay
• after Lincoln was killed (fuck you Pike) you wouldn't leave her side
• she'd become cold towards everyone
• even you sometimes
• but you gave her space because that's what best friend do (*this was typed with gritted teeth and a forced smile as if everything was okay*)
• when she's ready to talk, you're there for her, 24/7, rain, snow, sleet, and shine
• one day, after everything, she just suddenly acts differently
• with no warning
• like a switch just went off
• as her best friend, it was normal that she held your hand, rested her head on your shoulder, hugged you tightly, etc
• but suddenly? It's different
• Octavia doesn't say anything, she keeps to herself most days anyway
• but Ilian (I love my farm boy, I still cry) notices, as does everyone else, but they don't say anything?? (Why?)
• sometimes you'd just catch people watching the two of you closely, trying to figure out what it was that was different
• you tried doing the same but it's difficult to think of anything but the way Octavia looks when she's near you
• or her goddamn smile
• her laugh
• the way her eyes would squint as the corners of her lips tugged up until she was grinning, lightly hitting your arm as she bit down on her tongue to stop herself from laughing at one of your many corny jokes (the only kind of jokes I'm relatively good at that aren't dark and make people worry about my mental stability... I'm fINE)
• one day, Indra has had enough
• she corners you (like the mother bear she is) and asks you what was going on
• you're just as confused as she is
• Indra leaves it at that
• then, one random day following on from that, when you're about to go to bed, Octavia knocks on your door
• you open it, about to ask what was wrong when she pushes you back in the room, closing the door behind her
• "Octavia? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"
• "Just shut up."
• Octavia pushes you back again until your back hits the wall
• she grabs the collar of your shirt and pulls your lips down to hers
• the taste and smell of alcohol comes from her body, she obviously tried drinking whatever it was that was bothering her away
• trying to think about what was happening, and why, you gently push her away and ask quietly,
• "Octavia?"
• "I need to feel something."
• when you woke up the next morning, Octavia was lying next to you under the covers, fast asleep
• with wide eyes, you lay your head back on the pillow, staring at the ceiling
• when she wakes up, she rolls over, laying her head on your shoulder while her hand goes to grab yours
• you say nothing
• neither does she
• after a few minutes, she sits up
• your natural 'kicked puppy dog' looking eyes watch her before she kisses you again
• stunned, you lay there as she gets dressed, leaving you alone in your room
• "I'm so whipped," you mumble with a groan as you roll to the side with a huge grin tugging at your lips
• still having absolutely no clue what brought on her behaviour
• for the rest of the day, Octavia can't seem to stay away from you
• brother bear sits opposite you, outside, and stares at you, glaring, the only time Octavia is away from you while she gets something to eat
• "Hello?"
• "What did you do to my sister?"
• "Nothing."
• "You better hope it's nothing. My sister—"
• "—Your responsibility. I know, Bellamy. I'd never hurt her."
• "Let's hope so."
• he looks behind you, then back to you before getting up and leaving
• just as you breathe out, Octavia clamps her hand on your shoulder, sitting directly next to you with a plate of food in her other hand
• Octavia acts like she's not acting different the entire day
• then when you're about to go to bed again, she shows up at your door
• again, you wake up the same way
• this happens for a week and a bit before you stop her from leaving, asking her to tell you what was really going on
• with watery eyes, trembling lips, and unsteady breathing, she shakes her head, opening her mouth to speak but she can't
• you pull her closer to you and just hold her until she's ready
• "You're the only one who numbs the pain, and I'm so sick of being in pain."
• from then on you don't question her, but you don't know what to label the relationship
• while at Polis, one of the Grounders asks you for help with something
• Octavia sees and gets jealous
• she follows and stands at the opening to the small stall you were helping to set up, with her arms crossed and her gaze hard on the Grounder
• you don't notice until she clears her throat
• you let out a small yelp, hitting your head against the bottom of a table and look at her
• Octavia, still glaring at the Grounder, with gritted teeth, says,
• "I need to speak with my boyfriend/girlfriend."
• the Grounder nods and continues to set up
• but you stare at Octavia in shock
• "Now, preferably."
• you nod, mumbling an 'okay', placing whatever it was that you were holding on the table before following
• when you both stop, you ask her if everything is okay, not knowing what to say after she finally gave the relationship a label
• Octavia pulls you closer to kiss you, in front of everyone, for the first time, where they could all see you
• nervously, you kiss back
• when she pulls away she's smirking, knowing how flustered you were bc everything you had done together was previously done in secret
• you KNOW Bellamy saw
• he gives you a long speech, which you try to keep up with, but he says so much you just blink continuously
• from then on, it's official
• she randomly just starts training you how to fight one day
• literally
• you're walking along beside her when she trips you up and just begins to show you how to fight
• you're stunned the entire time, trying to block her moves with wide eyes and trembling hands
• when she goes to fight in the conclave, you are up in the tower with Kane watching the whole thing, with your heart in your throat as you struggle to breathe, terrified for the worse
• when she wins, you don't even give her time to say anything as you pull her closer, gripping her waist tightly, kissing her in a way you've never done before
• in the bunker, she makes sure you have a space with her while the rest figure out who stays and who leaves
• spending the next five years by her side, even when it's difficult
• it being a silent agreement that the relationship isn't going to end anytime soon, in fact, if anything, it's just become stronger, and more official

• only really meeting her when the rest of Skaikru is taken prisoner in Mount Weather
• not trusting her at first, but after spending time training with her you begin to warm up to her
• being jealous of Lincoln
• trying to show off
• complimenting her all the time, no matter what it's about or when
• after Lincoln (he deserved so much better) you two become close
• obviously, Lincoln used to do her hair and her war paint like his, but now it's your job
• cue the ponytail and new paint design
• just like if you were a delinquent, she shows up to your room or tent and stay with you, her lips never leaving yours unless they were attached to another part of your body
• and you, the same to her ^
• being someone who used to train other Conclave initiates, and when it comes to the final one, you give her pointers, tips, and one of the longest kisses you have ever given her
• when she wins she looks over at you and nods, trying to keep it professional
• but when it's just the two of you, she melts back to the way she used to be, doe eyed and hopeful
• during Mount Weather, you would have tried to stay behind to help, but, like Lincoln, you were knocked out and taken back
• trying to help during ALLIE's takeover and getting hurt
• Octavia would go on a rampage
• teaching her new Trigedasleng phrases
• how to make different weapons
• how to tell the difference between poisons and medicines
• horse riding
• rarely, when you have the time, you teach her to swim
• Her telling you about the Ark, even tho she hated it, and still does, she told you what it was like to see the stars and the moon, what Earth looked like from up there
• she'd tell you about her past
• her arrest
• Her brother
• what happened when she first came to Earth
• you'd tell her old stories about your past
• how life was on the ground growing up
• telling her that she would always have a place with you when she felt like she didn't belong
• getting along with Kane while he's in Polis, and he asks you to watch out for Octavia like you weren't doing that already
• him asking you to keep tabs on her for him
• telling Octavia straight away what he asked you to do
• no secrets between the two of you
• in the bunker, you'd be by her side like Indra
• honesty
• some fights, but that's a given in a relationship
• both being the little/big spoon
• instead of Ilian, you stop her from wanting to go out in the black rain
• idk I got carried away
• not sure what else
• dating Octavia Blake would be a roller coaster of events

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