[RR] Wrench Monkey.

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     The dropship was almost completely silent, but the sound of metal tinkering and swears echoed around the walls. You were on the lower level, trying to help Clarke out with some of the medical equipment that she had asked for you to make, while Raven kept throwing things around on the second level. Clarke had a small smile on her face when she saw you—without fail—drop what you were doing to stare at the ceiling every time Raven blamed you for something she did.

     "You know," Clarke started. "Some of the others think you two are dating."

     "Why?" You asked as your gaze fell from the ceiling and to her.

     "Because you act like you're already married."

     You pulled a face at her. "Shut up, Clarke." You shook your head.

     "I'm serious. You know, if it wasn't for the fact that she was with Finn, I would have thought you two were together."

     "Again, why?"

     "Well, when we found her, and she woke up, the way you two looked at each other was same the way my parents used to look at each other. It was like you two held each other's hearts in your hands, and you were finally completed once the two of you were reunited."

     "But then she saw Finn and you realised that it was him. He was the one she is in love with."

     She placed her hand on your upper arm, giving it a light squeeze. "It should have been you," she told you quietly.

     "Back on The Ark, when the three of us used to hang out, she would always use terms that only we would know just to see how confused we could make Finn. Raven and I worked together, and when Finn was arrested, we became even closer. Something inside of me just clicked into place and I hate myself for it because I can't be the one to make her happy. At least, not the way I want to, or the way Finn is supposed to."

     Clarke lowered her hand from your arm. "Used to hang out? Don't you hang out now?"

     "I'm keeping my distance from Finn these days."


     You cleared your throat, trying to think of something to say. "So, where do you want me to put this?" You held up one of the small needles you made.

     "Over there on the table," she replied, watching you walk over and place it down before coming back. "Why are you keeping your distance?"

     "I think someone as clever as you can figure that out on your own." You looked away from her, then back up to the ceiling when Raven yelled again.

     "Because you're in love with her." She nodded, finally understanding.

     "I didn't mean for it to happen," you started.

     "But it just did." She offered you a kind smile.

     "I'm not sure when it was that I found her mocking insults as the best things I have ever heard, or when her rolling of the eyes and that small smile she gets made my heart fill like it was warming up and finally relaxing after all the stress we have gone through. But you know, it did, and I'm not sure I want that to ever change."

     "You just want other things to change."

     You groaned. "Yes." You heard Raven yell again. "What she is yelling about?"

     Clarke pushed your arm towards the ladder. "Go find out, Casanova."

     You rolled your eyes at her, throwing one of the dirty clothes at her head before you began to make your way up the ladder. Clarke's laugh could be faintly heard as you pulled yourself up to the second level. It was dark, but you could see Raven at one of the small desks, she turned around when she heard your footsteps.

     "'Bout damn time." She stood up, grabbing your arm. "Did you not hear me?"

     "I heard you yelling incoherently."

     "Exactly, so, why did you take so long?"

     "I wasn't sure that it was a calling for me to come to you." You sat down on one of the chairs she pushed you in, turning to look at the desk. "It's fried, what the hell are you doing?"

     "Asking you for help."

     "Raven," you started, picking up the circuit. "It looks like you threw it in the fire outside before taking a blow torch to it."

     Raven groaned, sitting down next to you, her hand on your leg. "I know, I've tried everything."

     "To destroy it?" You raised an eyebrow. "To turn it into dust? Because if you keep at it I'm sure you'll be able to do that."

     "Look." She picked up a box of other destroyed circuits.

     "More, destroyed and unsalvageable scrap metal, cool," you commented sarcastically.

     "Listen, wrench monkey." She pointed a finger at you. "I only need to take one of these bad boys apart to get the small chip in the middle."

     "You won't get any out of these." You threw the circuit onto the top of the others.

     "I know." She placed the box down, picking another up. "We," she stressed, "are going to get one from these."


     "We are a team."

     "We are going to be wasting our time," you told her.

     "You're the only one who can help me," she begged. "So, help me."

     "What do I get in return?" You raised an eyebrow, placing own of the circuits on the desk.

     Raven grabbed hold of your face, pressing her lips to yours. "For every five minutes, one of these bad boys doesn't blow up in our faces, you'll get another one of those."

     You gulped, nodding your head at her. "Deal. But what about Finn?"

     "Finn likes Clarke." She shrugged.

     "But you like Finn."

     Raven pulled a face like she disagreed. "Who did I go to for help?"

     "No one, I came up here to see why you were yelling."

     "You idiot."

     "Sorry?" You apologised.

     "I asked you."

     "I'm the only other person here who knows how to deal with these things."

     Raven's eye twitched, not liking how she couldn't get it through your skull that she asked you because she liked you back, she just didn't know how to tell you. "Just shut up and help me."

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