[JJ] Jealous Love.

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     It was a cold night. Being down on the ground for a while, it was easy to get used to the differences in temperatures and the way the weather changed. But this night was colder than usual, it wasn't raining, it was just a cold wind that hit camp. To keep warm many people huddled together or gathered by the fire, some stayed in tents, whereas others took refuge in the dropship.

To keep warm yourself, you sat by the fire, you had a blanket wrapped round your shoulders and watched the flames flicker. It was a quiet night, in a sense that no Grounders were spotted and nothing alarming was happening, it was a nice change.

"If you sit too close you could get burnt." You lifted your head up to see a curtain of hair hide the face of your friend Finn Collins, the Spacewalker.

He sat down beside you on the log and brushed his hair from his face and gave you a warm inviting smile which you returned. You noticed how his jacket wasn't keeping him warm and wrapped one side of the blanket around his shoulders and sat watching the fire together, it was radiating a warm heat which you were thankful for.

"Ah, young Padawan, that would be the case had I sat in front of the fire directly," you said to him, you glanced sideways at him and noticed his smile. "Anyway, Shark Finn, what brings you to this neck of the woods, you don't usually come to this side of camp?" You turned your head to him and he looked at you.

"Well, everyone else is asleep, which gives me the perfect opportunity to finally hang out with you. After all, it is a long overdue meeting," he said in an almost sarcastic manner. "Also, I was cold over there and I wanted to be warm." He looked to the fire and held his hands out to it to keep them warm.

"Oh, I see, use me for my warmth and use me as a backup friend," you joked and he shook his head grinning at you. "Well I suppose that's okay, Shark Finn, I rarely get to hang out with the moon jumper," you spoke while drumming your thumbs on your leg silently.

"Firstly, it's Spacewalker, not moon jumper, you goof, and secondly, you aren't a backup friend, I hope you know that." You glanced at him and nodded making him smile. "Anyway, shark bait, it's getting late, we should go to bed. Maybe I can sneak off from the princess tomorrow and drag you away for a couple of hours, I miss you." He wrapped and arm around your shoulder and stood up pulling you up with him. He walked you over to your tent and yawned to himself, he really was tired.

"Anyway, this is me," you said sarcastically. "I had a great time with you." He groaned at you and shoved your shoulder playfully. "I'm kidding, Shark Finn, I didn't have a great time with you. I had a great five to ten minutes with you." He glared at you before kissing your forehead.

"Get some sleep, shark bait, you are starting to sound weirder than usual." He winked at you before walking away. You opened the flap of your tent and walked inside, you dropped the orange blanket on the bed and stretched, you kicked off your boots and shuffled along the floor to the top part of your bed. You took your shirt off threw it down to where you kept your boots and grabbed the larger shirt from under your pillow and slipped that on instead.

"Have a good time tonight?" You jumped and turned around to face Jasper, he was standing in the dark corner of the tent, he stepped out to the middle where you could see him. "It sure looked like it, shark bait." He spat out the last two words obviously annoyed at the nickname Finn gave you, it probably annoyed him more that it went along with your nickname for Finn.

"Oh, give it a rest, Jasp." You groaned at him, he always over calculated things and over thought situations that weren't as bad as he made them out to be. "I'm tired and it's just a nickname, I don't even—" He cut you off with a scoff, you could tell that he rolled his eyes.

"Just a nickname? You think it's the nickname that I'm annoyed about?" You threw your arms out in a manner that said, 'obviously yes' he shook his head at you. "No, it's not that, it the fact you were cuddled up by the fire with him obviously flirting, it's like I'm not even in your life." He hissed, you closed your eyes and shook your head, you were confused at his assumption. "I didn't like it." He finished.

"Cuddled up? Firstly, I just placed the blanket over his shoulder, he was cold, I wasn't going to let him get hyperthermia. Clarke would kill me and so would Raven, I don't want the princess and the star lord mechanic to kill me, together they are a force not to be reckoned with. Second, I wasn't flirting, I haven't spoken to him in ages. He was my friend on the Ark, he's my brother that I never had. I would never flirt with him, Jasper, if you honestly think I would then you can just leave. Get out of my life yourself, because I'm not pushing you away because I wasn't thinking about kicking you out of my life." You breathed in and Jasper continued,

"I'm sorry okay? I'm just scared that someone else will take you away from me, I'm not the strongest boy here, nor the most attractive. Someone else could easily steal you from me." You noticed how his voice broke and how he hung his head low, he was ashamed that he hadn't even considered your feelings.

"Steal me away? I'm not a possession that someone can take. None of those things matter to me, and for your information, you are one of the few attractive people here, half of these people aren't nearly attracted as a piece of burnt toast. That wasn't the best comparison, but burnt toast is nasty. Besides, I can't be stolen away, where would we go? There's not much here. Besides, I like being with you." Compared to when you started you finished off in a gentle voice, stepping closer to him.

"I—" He tried finding the right words but nothing came out. He looked to the floor and his eyes scanned the ground before he closed the gap between you and wrapped his arms around your waist pressing his face to your shoulder. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed like that. I'm so sorry," he whispered to you. You wrapped your arms around his as well and rubbed his back soothingly.

"I'm not going to say that what you did was worthy of an 'it's okay' so, instead, I will say I accept your apology. Now can we please go to bed, Jasp? I have been tired since I woke up and I want to go to sleep." Jasper chuckled at your laziness and nodded his head. "Thank you, now are you staying tonight or going back to your significant other, Mr. Green?" You smirked knowing he would be slightly annoyed. He deserved it though.

"Firstly, I am staying right here so I know that no one else will come in here and secondly, you are my significant other, not Monty. He's my brother, he always has been." You both pulled away from one another and you walked over to your bed and yawned. You sat down on your bed and let out a squeal as Jasper pushed you so he could lay on top of you. You let out a laugh and slapped his back wanting him to get off but all he did was grab the blankets and cover you both with them. "Go to bed babe, I'm tired," he mumbled and 'snuggled' into you.

"Oh my god, Jasper, seriously?" You groaned and tried getting as comfortable as you could but it was hard seeing as Jasper had pinned you to the bed with his own body. "Get off me you lump, or at least let me move a bit." You struggled to move until he rolled off you and laid down beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist dragging your body closer to his body for warmth. "This is nice, I prefer this Jasp. Thanks," you mumbled out and let out a sigh, in content, until:

"I would prefer to be on top of you, but this works too, I guess." You could feel his lips twitch into a smirk as they were pressed against the back of your neck. "Get some sleep, babe." He let out a sigh and tightened his grip on you before relaxing once more.

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