15 - Keep me hidden

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He was scared.

He was beyond scared.

Yuri had called an ambulance as soon as he found you unconscious on the floor.

He wanted to erase the awful image from his head.

You were burning up, your breathing was labored and came in quick rasps. You were shaking at his touch.

You were despondent to his calls.

He should have noticed that you weren't feeling well the other day. He knew he shouldn't have left you alone. He wished he had stayed with you instead.

As soon as the paramedics came, you were immediately whisked away into the ambulance.

The trip to the hospital seemed like an eternity. During the ride there, the only thought in his mind was that you were going to be okay.

You were going to be okay...

He wasn't allowed to go with you as nurses and doctors attended to your limp form.

So he was left there alone in the corridor.

Everything seemed so unreal.

He wished that it wasn't real.

His hands trembled as he got his phone out. He wanted to call someone. He needed to talk to someone.

He instinctively called his mom. The fact that the was a huge time difference completely slipped his mind.

He waited and almost as quickly as he called, she answered.

Her voice was tired. He had probably disturbed her sleep.

"Yuri? Is something-"

He couldn't help it. The moment he heard his mother's voice he began to cry.

Tears continually trailed down his cheeks. He didn't care if anyone else saw him.

"M-mom..." He hiccuped, "(Y-Y/N)..."

He wasn't able to get another word in as he bawled his eyes out.

Hiroko was trying her best to soothe her son. She was used to it. He always came to her when he was upset but this time, as she tried to calm him down, he wouldn't seem to let up.

"Son, you have to tell me what is wrong" she chided gently, "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to help you..."

Yuri furiously wiped the stubborn tears away, "It's (Y/N), mom...(Y/N)'s very sick...a-and I d-don't know what to do..."

Hiroko felt her breath got caught in her throat the moment he mentioned what was wrong.

She had practically considered you as her own child and would never wish anything bad to happen to you.

She wanted to at least be there to comfort Yuri and to just see you.

After a while, she managed to comfort her son and assured him that everything would be alright but it still didn't ease him of his concern.

It wasn't for another three hours that a doctor approached him.

He looked up at him expectantly.

"You are (L/N) (Y/N)'s...?"

"I'm Yuri. Y-Yuri Katsuki," he stated, a bit on edge, "I'm a-a friend."

He nodded, "Your friend is going to be fine. We are just going to keep (Y/N) here for at least another day for observation."

Yuri breathe out a sigh of relief.

"(Y/N)'s convulsion stopped and we managed to get the fever down. You could see your friend if you like."

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