29 - Warm

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12:48 pm





12:49 pm





12:50 pm

You sighed as you watched the time on your phone. Idly playing games on your phone gets pretty boring after two hours.

The park was quiet. There weren't that much people.

One of the reasons must be that the clouds being blown in looked so dark, everyone must have decided to just stay inside their homes or take cover in fear of a possible downpour.

You on the other hand stubbornly waited under the shade of a tree.

The wind chilled you making you bite the insides of your cheeks in annoyance.

Why did the weather decide to be nasty right now of all times?

He was late.

He should have at least notified you that he wasn't going to be able to make it or something.

Looking at the time on the screen again, it displayed 1:00 pm.

Your stomach began to rumble. You wished you at least had a light snack before leaving.

The day had started with much promise. You were actually really excited that Yuri had accepted your offer of going on a date, the two of you discussed when and where you would be meeting.

Well, more like you had discussed while he stood there blushing madly with one foot out of the door. After a few minutes explaining to him that it would technically still be the two of you just hanging out together only this time as a couple, the two of you agreed to meet up in the park and have lunch and maybe go watch a movie later after he was done with his morning classes. he was supposed to be free for lunch.

At least that was what he said.

Arriving twenty minutes early has been a mistake.

Imagining what it would have been like to have a date with the Japanese skater was a mistake as well.

It only filled your head with false hope.

You never want to be bothered to go early for anything ever again if you had to wait this long.

You groaned as your phone was about to die on you.

"I can't believe he stood me up..."

Pushing yourself off the ground and dusting yourself off, you resolved to just go home. 

You would have been lying if you said you weren't disappointed.

You grumbled to yourself as you brushed past strangers walking through the park. You glared at the ground as you made your way to the park's exit.

So much for a first date.

Finally reaching the sidewalk outside the park, you decided that you wanted to walk all the way home. It wasn't that far.

You didn't really want to see Yuri just yet if ever he was at home.

With each step you took, your feeling of utter disappointment just ebbed away. You just felt apathetic to the whole situation. 

You barely noticed the dark haired male that almost ran past you. If he hadn't accidentally bumped shoulders with you, stuttering out a jumbled apology, you would have mistaken him for someone else.

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