54 - What you can't see

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To say that you were nervous was an understatement.

It has been a long time since you have skated in front of such a huge audience.

Your hands were starting to get clammy and you felt your mouth had gone dry.

You were having second thoughts all of a sudden.

It was funny. You were getting cold feet in an ice rink.

You made a move to leave, catching Yuri's attention, "(Y/N) where are you go-(Y/N), wait!"

You turned strode towards Victor who was still had a huge, proud grin plastered on his face from Yurio's performance.

You got his attention by firmly tapping on his shoulder, a pleading look on you eyes, "Couldn't you make Yuri go first?"

At that, Yuri was able to catch up after you with a worried expression.

The silverette was surprised that you had gone up to him all of a sudden, "(Y/N)?"

"Make Yuri go first." Your request turned into a demand. You felt your heart threatening to explode out of your rib cage.

"W-what?" Yuri spluttered.

His ocean eyes stared into your troubled (e/c) ones and he regarded you carefully.

"Please, Victor..."

He closed his eyes and sighed. When he looked at you again he shook his head once, "You have to do this, (Y/N)," he then gave you a small smile, "I know you could do it."

At that you felt your hope of getting out of this get thrown out the window.

Your confidence and boldness was usually an on-and-off sort of thing and it certainly has chosen a worst time to be 'off'.

It wasn't that you thought you couldn't do it.

The program was solid. You had a good framework to work with.Not to mention you had been practicing like crazy ever since you had been dragged into this whole mess and you could say that you had gotten the steps and jumps practically burned into memory.

It was just that...

You felt like you wouldn't be able to do this program justice.

You felt incapable of being able to bring out it's message and that was the last thing that you wanted to happen.

You helplessly turned to Yuri and frowned, "Do I really have to go?"

He got closer to you and pulled you in for a hug,

"I believe in you," he mumbled and placed a kiss on your forehead, "so do your best out there, okay?"

Your eyes widened and you hugged back, holding onto him desperately.

"Thank you...I will try..." You muttered.

You unzipped your jacket and took it off, handing it over to Victors waiting hands.

Yuri was speechless at the sight of you. It was the first time he had seen you wear it. He knew it was Victor's costume but the way you held yourself in it made it look like the garment was tailor made just for you.

"Wow~ (Y/N), you look amazing!" Victor complimented.

Victor took the words right out of his mouth.

Just at that moment, Yurio got off the ice, holding onto the skirting for balance as he slipped on his skate guards. He scrutinized your appearance and scoffed, "You don't look that bad I suppose..."

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