38 - Hello again

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Yuri knelt down in front of the altar, staring sadly at the picture of a younger version of him hugging his dog, Viichan.

Everything was so simple then.

He wished he could have come home sooner to at least see his friend one last time.

It seems that throughout the past year he had nothing but the worst of luck. It was just one bad thing after the other.

The door to the small room slid open. He turned around to see his older sister leaning against the door frame with a small smile, "Welcome back, Yuri."

"Hey, it's been a while..." He said, "you guys seem pretty busy. I hope we're not getting in the way."

She just waved him off, "Nah, you two are fine but (Y/N)'s in the kitchen ransacking our fridge, just so you know."

He had to resist the urge to sweat drop at your antics, "Sorry about that..."

"So how long are you guys planning on staying in Hasestu," she asked, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket, "Are you planning on helping out here with the hot spring?"

He was unable to answer.

What did he want to do with his life? He felt like he was in the midst of a cross roads.

"You got your degree even if it took you an extra year," she continued, lighting up the cigarette with a lighter. She took a deep breath and blew out a stream of smoke, "Just what do you plan on doing with it?"

He didn't want to know what to do yet.

He was still trying to wrap his head around everything that has happened.

"You know, if you want to keep skating I'll support you but..."

"I don't know..."he admitted hesitantly, " I think...I think I need some time to think things over, I guess."

She shrugged and hummed in agreement. She turned to leave, "Mmkay, you could go soak up in the hot spring. It looks like you need it."

He nodded and got up.

He looked back towards the picture one last time and left as well.

It would take a lot of getting used to, not being able to see Viichan anymore.

The furry little creature played a huge part in his child hood. He was an ode to his love for skating and his dedication to the sport. Just looking at brown eyes and wet nose helped cheer him up when he was having a bad day...but now he's gone.

No more running towards him when he comes to the door.

No more cheerful barking whenever he gives him a scratch behind the ear.

Viichan was more than just his dog. He was more than just a pet.

He was a friend and he always will be.

To say that he would miss him would be an under statement.

The sound of laughter brought him out of his depressing thoughts.

He headed towards the kitchen and surely enough, he found you there sitting by the counter with his dad. You were busy eating what seemed to be your third serving of pork cutlet bowl judging by the amount of dishes that were already on the sink waiting to be washed.

Once you noticed Yuri, you waved at him, "Where are you headed?"

"Oh, I was just thought on checking on you," he answered, "Mari-neechan said that you were ransacking the fridge."

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