87 - Reading between the lines

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"So, what did you think?" Phichit asked. He was still a bit breathless after his performance. He wiped the sweat that trickled down his face with the towel that you handed to him.

You raised a brow, "Hm? What do I think about what?"

"(Y/N)," he whined, "Did you even watch me at all?"

You rolled your eyes, "Of course I did," He had to be crazy to think that you would miss his short program. For the first time that day you allowed a ghost of a smile to form on your lips, "You finally landed a quad. I'm so proud of you."

He beamed at your praise and nodded, "Thanks! I was honestly terrified at first. I didn't think I would make a clean landing."

"I don't see why you were so worried though," you gave him a comforting pat on his back. It reassured him somewhat, "You landed it. You did great."

He grinned, "You better step up your game as well, (Y/N)."

You chuckled softly, "I don't know...you're a tough act to follow."

"Ah, Yuri's gonna go after me. Are you going out there to watch or-"

"No," you immediately cut him off which surprised him, "I-I mean...I'll stay here and watch. There are a lot more people out there than I would like."

You hoped that Phichit would buy your lame excuse. The crowds didn't bother you as much as you say it does. You just didn't want to have to be out there for the time being.

He bought it. No questions asked.

"Okay, I'll just go look for Ciao Ciao. He must still be close by the Kiss and Cry."

You nodded and he took his leave.

Fortunately, the younger skater failed to notice that your smile had dropped as he turned away, now preoccupied with looking for his coach to watch with him.

There was a flat screened television set up in the middle of the room for anyone who wanted to watch and honestly, right now, you weren't exactly up for watching.

Yuri was going to skate next.

You couldn't exactly name the emotion you were feeling as you watched him take to the ice.

He looked a lot more focused, more driven...more...


Knowing the dark haired skater for as long as you have, you know that something must have triggered such a change in such a short amount of time.

It unsettled you.

It was really no surprise that Yuri performed remarkably. Whatever made him...what was the word...snap, certainly earned the favor of the crowd and the judges. Heck, you were impressed. You expected nothing less from Yuri.

You were proud of him of course. How could you not be? You've seen him train until he could barely stand. There were days that he would come home and remove his shoes only for you to find that his feet were practically raw with blisters. It was painful to watch what he was doing to himself but you could not help but swell up with pride to see just how far he's gone. You were with him every step of the way and you would want nothing more than to see him succeed.

So why?

Why does it hurt to look at him now? Why were you feeling this way?

His performance was perfect. It was without a doubt, flawless in every way. He had landed all of his jumps and he hadn't fumbled in his step like he would do sometimes in practice.

You placed a hand over your chest and gripped at the fabric of your jacket.

It was strange. You were rooting for him at the same time scared for him. Call it a gut feeling, but you had this hunch and it wouldn't go away. You cursed your stupid brain for conjuring up such irrational thoughts at such a bad time.

Victor was out there, waiting for Yuri. They were going to announce the scores for his short program. You weren't even surprised that Yuri had scored a new personal best. He even squinted and leaned a bit forward just to make sites that the scores they were displaying on the screen were real and were actually his. He was virtually blind without his glasses after all.

"What's different? He's never skated like that before..."Phichit muttered, still in awe at his best friend's performance.

You couldn't see Phichit's and Celestino's reactions since they were facing away from you but there was no doubt that they were just as impressed as you are.

"Don't worry about it too much," Celestino told his student, "The Free skate is what really matters now. Besides, Yuri is not used to being the one to beat."

You agreed with your former coach but held your tongue. The concept of taking the lead was a first to Yuri.

As much as you wanted to be there and congratulate Yuri in person, you couldn't bring yourself to do so. Your legs didn't want to move an inch. And as you watched Victor wrap his arms around Yuri in an embrace to show him just how happy he was, it felt as if you had no need to congratulate him.

You frowned. You were disgusted with yourself for feeling this way. You shouldn't even feel this way to begin with. You didn't see the point of being jealous as it would hurt you more than it would ever hurt them.

But still...

You were only human and you could only keep such feelings at bay for so long. Voicing out your concerns seems so tedious and you didn't want to have to drag other people down with your petty problem and with the competition going on, you were pretty sure that your jumbled up emotions were the least of their problems.

You have decided that for now, it would be best if you kept to yourself until you had sorted your feelings out.

You let out a small, dry laugh. Your emotions were so all over the place that it was starting to get the better of you.

Soon enough, Victor and Yuri came to watch the other performances with you guys as well. You didn't have a problem with them coming over. They had every right to be there. What didn't sit well with you was how close Victor was to Yuri...and he didn't say anything against it.

As much as you hated to admit it, after Yuri's performance, you didn't pay that much attention to anyone else's programs.


It got a bit angsty there ^^"

Anyways, this is totally out of the blue. I have been rewatching Naruto and I'm at the part where Sasuke attacked at the Five Kage Summit and it got me thinking...

I am considering the possibility of GaaSasu *hides behind a rock

I particularly liked their exchanges during the fight and I can't get the ship out of my head!! (Sorry, I'm trash) That being said, I was wondering if any of you know any good Gaara x Sasuke fanfiction, please let me know ^^

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