59 - Meet me there

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You rubbed your eyes tiredly. You knew it was bad to keep on rubbing them but you just had to do something to ward off the sweet call of sleep, otherwise your eyelids would threaten to close again.

You and Yuri had been abducted by none other than your coach, Victor Nikiforov.

You were busy catching up on much needed sleep when the Russian skater suddenly barged into your room and dragged you out of bed. You put up quite the fuss, mind you. You hissed and scratched like a cat would when dowsed with water.

But since he was stronger than you and you really couldn't bring yourself to care anymore, you allowed yourself to be whisked away to the beach of all places right after you changed into a fresh set of clothes.

It was a lovely morning to be honest.

The grey clouds were over cast as sun light tried to stream through it. You could hear the cries of sea gulls in the distance. The three of you sat on the sand. Victor was in the middle and you and Yuri were sitting opposite of him...oh and Makkachin was in between him and Yuri so that made four.

The view of the sea was beautiful. The sound of the gentle waves was calming, having an almost therapeutic effect.

It was serene. It was peaceful.

It was a morning that you would rather spend in bed...preferably for the next ten hours or so.

You sighed, "Remind me why you had to drag me out of bed again, Nikiforov? I thought you had wanted me to rest or something?"

He didn't look at you as he answered, too transfixed with the sight of the sea in front of him, "I would like you to think of it as our bonding time of sorts."

You knew he wasn't looking at you but you gave him a 'what-the-hell' look anyway.

Bonding time? Was this guy serious?

You made a move to stand up, "Well as much as I'd love to spend the morning listening to sea gulls-"

"Actually they're black tailed gulls..." Yuri piped in softly.

You gave him a look. Something was off about the dark haired skater today. Last night he looked happy as you rearranged his song but now...something else seemed to be bothering him.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, whatever he said. I would rather be more inclined to go back to bed now, so if you two would excuse me-"

"I love the sound they make," Victor said.

You groaned. 

Great. Just absolutely great.

You felt like there would be a bit of a heart to heart that was about to transpire. You had absolutely no idea what is bringing this up right now but you just wanted to go back to bed if possible.

Victor obviously wanted to address something and now you can't even leave.

You huffed and got back to your seat, taking up the same position as Yuri with your knees tucked in so that you could rest your chin on top of it.

Maybe if Victor wasn't paying attention to you, you could sneak in a couple minutes of shut eye

"Whenever I hear their calls in the morning, it makes me feel like I'm back in Saint Petersburg..." Victor said.

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