36 - Now what?

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As you looked out of the window the scenery just bled into a blur of different shades of greens and blues.

The long trip was making you rather antsy. Being cramped up in a tight space wasn't doing you any good.

You squirmed trying to get into a better position which was almost impossible without waking your sleeping beauty boyfriend who was leaning against your shoulder, dead to the world.

Not that you mind Yuri using you as a pillow. He was awfully cute when he was sleeping, his lips were parted slightly.

You sighed.

A lot has happened within the span of a year.

You tried to follow Yuri's lead and go to sleep as well, but no luck.

It was already your stop.

You groaned in exasperation.

So much for that idea.

Yuri's eyes slowly fluttered open and he let a small yawn escape his lips.

"Nice of you to join the land of the living."

"We're here?"

You nodded, "Are you ready?"

He let out a shaky breath and tried to fiddle with the scarf around his neck, "As I'll ever be..."

As the two of you got your stuff out of the baggage compartment over head, you headed out the train.

As you got off you raised your arms and stretched.

"Wow," you breathed out, "This is beautiful."

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Some of the petals gracefully fluttered down and were drifted away by the breeze. It seems like only yesterday you decided to leave all of this behind to follow after Yuri

You missed this.

You turned to Yuri and frowned. He was obviously uneasy.

Figures. It has been a few years since he has been back in Hasetsu.

You would be nervous too if you were in his shoes. After everything that has happened...never mind.

You carefully approached him and beamed. You intertwined your hand with his, "C'mon, let's go."

He pulled down the surgeon's mask he wore and allowed a small smile form on his lips. You proceeded to drag him off to the station.

So much has changed in the five years you two have been gone. Winter breaks were awfully short and you've only ever went to the Katsuki's during those breaks and even then, you two have only gone back to Japan at least twice during your stay in Detroit.

It feels really, really good to be home.

Of course, you're going to miss your couch-turned-bed which was left back in your apartment.

As you both were going down the escalator, Yuri suddenly stiffened.

"Why what happ- Oh my gosh."

On the wall were dozens and dozens of posters of Yuri with, 'We're rooting for you!' In large, bold letters.

"H-how on earth did this-"

"I don't care. I need to know how to get one of these," you cut him off, "You look cool in here, Yuri."

"(Y/N), you're not helping..."

You shrugged, "What? Honest, I really need one of these. It would be nice to frame it and hang it on my wall."

"Please don't..."

You just chuckled at the dark haired skater's expense. It was fun teasing him from time to time.

He needed to lighten up a bit.

The last year was pretty hectic.

As Yuri was still trying to get over the shock of his face being plastered on almost every inch of the wall, you heard someone call out his name.

"Oh Yuri~"

The aforementioned skater nearly jumped out of his skin whereas you just raised a brow at the owner of the voice.

"Welcome back after five long years~" she twirled.

He gawked at the brunette who was boldly holding a banner with his name on it.

He wonders how on earth Minako found out about his exact arrival time.

As if you read his mind you answered, "Don't even bother thinking too much about it. It's Minako-sensei we're talking about here."

"What are you doing sulking around?" She asked and added another twirl for good measure, "stand up and smile would ya?"

Yuri wanted to run for cover. People were giving him weird looks now.

"Hey isn't that the figure skater?"

"What was his name again?"

"Didn't he join that competition?"

"Was it the Nationals?"

Yuri was sort of in a tight spot right now. After the GPF, he wasn't able to shake of his alleged 'defeat' and wasn't able to make it to Nationals, the Four Continents and the World Championship. It was a huge blow to his self-esteem and you were really worried about him.

Yuri made the tough call of ending things with Celestino. You were going to miss the guy but you ended things with him as well to go back to Japan. You were considering a short break from competitive skating for a while.

You figured it was better to just be there and support Yuri.

Of course, he doesn't know that.

The surrounding onlookers still continued to mutter amongst themselves.

You groaned. The nerve of these people. The two of you could hear their incessant murmurs and it wasn't helping Yuri any.

"Ignore them, Yuri." You muttered.

"I-it's pretty hard not to..."

You would have loved to yell at them but you didn't want to cause a scene. You were tired.

You squinted at the banner the ballet instructor was holding and frowned, "Hey, how come only Yuri gets a welcoming committee?"

"This is only for certain people who actually made it to the Grand Prix Final."

You feigned a hurt expression and placed a hand over your 'wounded' heart, "Ouch. You wound me, Minako-sensei."

She rolled her eyes at you and you pouted.

An old man approached Yuri, wanting to shake his hand.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I can't. I am in a big hurry," he pulled up the mask on his face, pretending to be sick or something.

"Oh no you don't!" Minako's dark aura flared, "Victor Nikiforov is nice to his fans and you will be too, you understand me?"

You frowned and lightly elbowed him on the ribs, "Don't be rude, Yuri. It wouldn't cost you anything to shake hands, right?"

With the two of you ganging up on him, he had no room for argument. He might as well just get it over with.

With a strained smile, he shook hands and greeted those who came to him.

It was a rather uncomfortable experience.

Well at least he made it home in one piece. That counts for something, right?

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