128 - Serendipity

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You shuffled a bit as you walked, the sound of loose gravel crunched under your feet. 

You've been through stuff like this before, sure. But you were beginning to wonder whether or not your life was some big play because you certainly did not know all of the acts yet. Nothing ever seems to go your way when you want it to and it honestly just feel like some deity out there just loved to screw with your life because you sure as hell did not sign up for this much drama (although a lot of those whom you know tend to say that you were always one to be dramatic).   

You wished that you could escape the inevitable but you couldn't. You knew for a fact that Yuri wouldn't let you since he held your arm rather tightly just in case you decided to make a quick run for it. You also knew that the universe hated your guts with a passion which was why you tended to land yourself into this sort of situation. You just did not know what you did to warrant such hate. Drawing the unlucky card was not an uncommon occurrence for you. Just when it seems like your life is getting itself back in order, something always has to come along and ruin it. You had been at the receiving end if its messed up sense of humor for as long as you could remember and if this was one of its ways of saying, 'you are ready for this', 'this is exactly what you need right now', the universe is sorely mistaken.

'Oh...that's right. I exist and that's a good enough reason for everything to always go south for me,' you thought wryly. 

You were pulled out of your musings of self-pity when you nearly tripped over a crack on the ground. You were having some difficulty in walking because your other foot was still in a stupid cast. You have proven your point. You were a magnet for trouble. Only then did you realize where you were at the moment.

It was the same streets, the same houses, the same people yet it all seemed different now. Everything has moved on in one way or another. Never mind that your absence had been brief, the world still spun on its axis and everything is bound to change even a little bit.  Perhaps it was foolish to imagine even one thing would remain the same. You admit that you missed how things were, how things used to be before...but you were still in that part where you are trying to accept the fact that nothing remains as they were. It was kind of a hard fact to swallow.

You knew this and yet you did not want to feel it. You did not want to see the gaping hole that you had created upon your departure because you were afraid that when you do, you'd find that it had long since healed and scarred up. You did not want what you had with his family to be ruined all because of your selfish decision to leave with out so much as telling them where you went, for worrying them (you would like to assume that they were worried). They didn't deserve that just as much as you felt like you no longer deserved to be a part of the natural flow of their lives. You would be out of kilter with them and then you would have to battle out the awkwardness that would follow.

You did not want that.

By the time the two of you had made it to your destination, night had already fallen and enveloped the city in a blanket of darkness. There weren't that much people on the streets, most had opted to stay inside to avoid getting a chill. 

Both you and Yuri slowly walked towards the path leading to the front door. Fallen leaves littered the walkway, bathing it in dark red and orange, and yellows and you both stepped on them with a satisfying crunch. The porch light was on, and the familiar yellow glow made the place feel even more warm and inviting.  A brand new flower pot to the right of the door was filled with pink and yellow chrysanthemums. You smiled softly at the sight of them.

You wanted to run, you wanted to hide. Better yet, you wanted to take a page out of Yuri's book and go as he so eloquently put it, 'go crawl under a rock and die'. Despite the reassuring glances he was sending your way, you could not steady the erratic beating of your heart which was pounding painfully against your chest. Nothing he could say or do could have ever prepared you for this.

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