16 - Heart | Head

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No words were exchanged between the two of you as Yuri did his best to clean your wound.

The only sound that could be heard was the constant ticking of the wall clock in the living room.

It came to a shock to the nurse in charge of you to find that your bed was all bloodied.

The Japanese skater did tried to reason with the doctor to let you out early. Fortunately, he let the two of you off easy despite what he said earlier.

Both the doctor's and Yuri's concern now was your state of mind.

You obviously weren't comfortable in that hospital room.

Who was?

You winced every time the cotton ball made contact with the wound.

Both you and the bespectacled teen tried to avoid eye contact.

The silence was deafening.

"Stupid (Y/N)." Yuri muttered tersely.

You blinked in surprise. You never would have expected him to break the uncomfortable silence first.

"You didn't have to do that..."

You rolled your eyes at him. You were in for another one of his lectures.

"If I wanted your opinion on the matter," You glared at him, "I would have asked you, but I didn't."

He just scoffed and continued his work. He might or might not have pressed on the wound a little harder than intended which caused you to shoot out of your seat and explode at him.

"What the hell is your problem?!"

"What the hell is yours?!" He bit back.

He held your steely gaze evenly, not batting an eyelash.

"You were sick, I was worried," his voice was cold and even, "I didn't know what to do..."

You choked out a dry laugh, "Seeing as I am still alive, I could say that you did a pretty good job," your eyes narrowed once more, "I had a fever, it passed. Get over it."

"No! How could I get over it?!" He yelled, "You were unconscious, you were shaking!"

You clicked your tongue in annoyance, "I do not need a lecture from you, Katsuki..."

"Well someone has to."

You strode towards him and grabbed his collar. It seemed to be the most effective way of getting your point across.

If he hadn't known you, he would be trembling under your touch right now. He was usually the one who was easy to intimidate.

You bore your eyes into his but he didn't seem to be backing down anytime soon.

"You don't have the right to lecture me."

He returned your glare with one which was just as intense, "Then who does?! Tell me now so I could get them to talk some sense into you seeing as you couldn't bring yourself to see reason."

"Reason?!" You gritted your teeth, "Damn it, Yuri."

He balked. You called him by his first name again...

"There is a good reason why I wanted out of that hell hole." You mentally kicked yourself.

Your eyes were starting to moisten in frustration again. Why the heck couldn't you keep your emotions in check? This would be the second time today that you would let the water works loose.

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