99 - Some day

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The silence that suddenly enwrapped the two of you was nothing that you didn't expect. You could no longer hear the waves as it lapped against the shore, you could no longer hear the gulls that flew over head, you could no longer hear the breeze as it gently caressed your skin. You only saw him. You saw him and he saw you, not one word escaped your lips as you saw him slowly look away. You clenched your fists even tighter than before, feeling the biting sting of your fingernails against your skin. You gritted your teeth in pent up frustration. Were you really so difficult a person to face? He might as well just look you in the eye, that way you would feel a whole lot better and yet, you didn't say a word. You loosened your firm grip and your hands relaxed and fell limply by your side.

What was the point?

To your great surprise, he spoke first.

"Um...hey." He muttered softly, his eyes were downcast.

Was that all he really had to say? Why did he look so strained, like he was the one in pain?

Your gaze was cold, your voice unfeeling, "What are you doing here? More importantly, why is Makkachin with you?"

"She ran through the door earlier," he explained, "I had to chase after her."

"Well, you've caught up with her now. You might as well leave," you uttered bitingly.

He visibly flinched at your tone. He had been at the receiving end of your harsh tone before. He was not exactly a stranger to it but he rarely ever was at its receiving end. He rubbed his other arm, a nervous habit. He still didn't meet your eyes.

"I was looking for you..." he started, "You weren't home...and..." he felt that his mouth was dry.

"You did not have to look for me." Your voice was uncharacteristically small. You did not want to be found in the first place, "You know that I could take care of myself."

"Not the way I see it..." He saw how you've been treating yourself with what little he had seen of you in weeks. Your eyes were dull, no longer did they held the same brightness that he was used to seeing.

His statement made you turn to him. Your eyes finally met his. Your blank expression changed into that of mild irritation, "So what," you were challenging him, "You suddenly care about me? That is so funny I want to laugh," your tone was dripping with sarcasm.

"(Y/N)..." He tried to take a step towards you only for you to take one step back. His eyes widened.

As much as you still loved him, you did not trust him enough to be any closer to you. You no longer trusted yourself to be any closer to him.

It was quiet after that.

You sighed. Your body felt like it was on auto pilot, like it was moving on its own. If he wasn't going to leave you, you will. You did not feel like having to put up with this any longer. Just as you were about to leave him, you felt him move forward, with his hand reaching out for yours. Before he could even grab hold of your hand, you pushed him away. You were furious.

"Leave me alone!" you yelled, "Can't you see that I do not want to be anywhere near you at the moment?"

"Before I do, tell me what is wrong!"

You paused. You looked at the dark haired man before you and his expression was serious. You felt a bitter laugh escape your lips. Was he really planning to do this? Was he really going to pretend that nothing happened? Did he really want you to do the explaining? A list would not be long enough to write down everything that was wrong. He was dead serious.

"You and Victor kissed, that's what..." you muttered softly, "And you know what the worst part was...you did not even do anything to push him away."

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