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I know this isn't an update but I've been tagged by Maincraft701 ^^ Thank you so much~

1) What was the first fan fiction you read on Wattpad?
- Oh my gosh I can't remember the title...It has been so long ago. I do remember it being Hetalia related. It was  a GerIta book. I'm just sad that I don't remember the book's name.

2) What is your favorite food?
- I don't really have a favorite food per she because I like a lot of different foods. However I could narrow it down to my '3 most liked' foods: 1) A Filipino dish called Kare-kare. I love to eat it with steamy, hot rice and bagoong. 2) Bacon...because, well...it's bacon. 3) Cheese burgers. I love eating the pickles in them. But in the end, I appreciate a good, home- cooked meal.

3) Would you rather be ugly and marry someone who is handsome/beautiful or vice versa and stay with them for the rest of your lives?
- It might come off as vain, but I'd rather be beautiful than be ugly but as for my partner, I don't really care much for his appearance. Should he be chubby or messy haired, should he be tall and lanky, I don't really care. As long as I cherish him and he cherishes me, I'm cool with having an ugly partner. I won't be ashamed of it. I could live a long and happy life knowing that I'm loved and that is all I need. Period.

4) What inspires you to write stories?
- First and foremost, my readers inspire me to write stories (as corny as that may sound). I love the fact that there are people out there that appreciate the things I put out there. I love entertaining you guys and I love that I get to connect to so many of you. When I first published any of my stories, I wrote only with the thought of penning down the numerous plot bunnies running through my head. Never would I have thought that my stories would be so well received. Second, I'm inspired by the stuff that happens around me. The things I watch, the things I hear, the things I see...believe it or not, most of the things that I write are excerpts from the stuff that has happened to me (although when I write, it is more or less highly exaggerated).

5) Do you have a special someone?
- Wouldn't you guys like to know? 😏

I'd like to think of myself married to my numerous anime husbands but...YES, I do.

6) What is your favorite animal?
- I love cheetahs. In an astheatic point of view, I love how stream lined their bodies are...but I also have a soft spot for owls. I like listening to their hoots and their eyes just seem so...wise.

7) What is your favorite anime?
- Damn. One does not simply have a favorite anime. They have millions. I am currently watching Cheer Danshi though...

But Kuroshitsuji and Inuyasha would always have a special place in my heart.

8) What is your favorite song?
- "Numb" by David Archuleta. This song speaks to me in volumes.

9) Where have you heard about Wattpad?
- My cousin told me about it.

10) Why did you join Wattpad?
- Because my cousin told me to.

11) What do you have to say to your future self about your stories?

Me : "Look, future me...I'm so sorry that I was such an obsessed nerd before, writing nothing but reader inserts- wait. I'm actually not sorry about that. Live with it, oh and p.s. I hope that by now you've learned to double check your spelling, punctuations and all those important stuff. Please, please, please make more x-readers in the foreseeable future. That is all."

Future Me: "...Was this really me? Have I been on medication?"

12) (There actually wasn't a 12th question, I just added one because I like even numbers^^) What fandom are you currently in?
- I'm actually in the Voltron fandom right now but it doesn't mean I love any of my other fandom's less.

I tag....


I'm sorry, I know it doesn't reach the quota of 10 but I'm really sleepy right now^^" I really enjoyed answering this though. I feel like I have just been interviewed haha~

The questions are just the same as mine. You don't have to feel pressured to do it, it's cool ^^

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