140 - Ups and downs

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To say that Yuri Plisetsky was ticked off would be the understatement of the century. He wasn't just ticked off. He was really, really, really ticked off. His eye brows were furrowed and his forehead creased a bit as he did. His nose was scrunched up in distaste as if he had just tasted something bad and his teeth were barred resembling an angry tiger much like his other moniker. The younger skater was positively fuming and to make matters worse, all of that frustration was all directed at him.

He shouldn't have left the room. All of this wouldn't have happened if he had been a bit more patient and stayed put. At least there he did not have to be faced with this sort of situation.

Yuri Katsuki swallowed thickly once more. He was sweating bullets and his hands suddenly became all clammy. His stomach was in knots as he pleaded to whatever divine force of nature there was out there to save him, otherwise he wouldn't even live long enough to reach his twenty fourth birthday which was coming up pretty soon, much less make his dream to participate in this year's Grand Prix Final a reality. Nope. With the way the Russian Punk is staring- no - glaring at him, he'd be good and dead and six hundred feet under the ground if looks could kill as the fifteen year old's intense piercing gaze sent a message that was nothing short of 'murderous'.

He almost couldn't believe that his fans associate him to be somewhat 'fairy-like'. He also couldn't believe that he used to be one of those people who did. 

And now, he would probably suffer a slow and painful death and his body would be dumped somewhere out there in the snow where even the buzzards won't be able to pick off his flesh because his mutilated corpse has already frozen solid...


That thought came completely out of nowhere. Near death experiences must have that sort of effect on him. Of all the times he chooses to be overly dramatic...If only you were here, he could have told you about it and you'd be so proud that see that you were rubbing off on him.

The snarling teen was about to take a step forward. He automatically braced himself for the worst and kept his eyes tightly shut but...it never came. Not a shout, or a hit or anything.

"There you are! Where the heck did you run off to?"

He slowly opened his eyes just to make sure he wasn't hearing things. To his great surprise, he surely wasn't expecting to see you there...holding Yurio in place by firmly gripping his shoulder.

He blinked in disbelief.

Where did you even come from?

He shook his head. Nevertheless, your timing was impeccable. It was never wise to look a gift horse in the mouth and he had no plans to do so now. The only thing that was running through his mind is that he is spared (for now) from the wrath of the fifteen year old.

"Oh, hey Yuri," you smiled at him, "Where are you headed? I was just about to go back to the suite."

"I....uh...I-I was j-just," he stammered, "I was looking...looking for..."

'Looking for you' was what he wanted to say but couldn't...not with the ticked off blonde right in front of him who looked just about ready to explode.

You raised a brow and looked at the dark haired skater questioningly. Meanwhile Yuri couldn't even complete his thought as the fuming Russian was still glaring at him. He was beyond uncomfortable right now and you had chosen that exact moment to be unperceptive.

It wasn't that you were being painfully oblivious just for the sake of being oblivious. In all honesty, you have been mercilessly attacked by the waves of rage radiating from the younger skater the moment he had laid eyes on your Yuri. You just felt that bringing it up would just do more harm than good. But apparently, you stand corrected. You knew that the situation would begin to unravel sooner rather than later and your hopes of nipping it right in the bud was subsequently dashed.

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