116 - Stir

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A dream.

A dream...that was all it was. It had felt so real. You were awake now so why did it still affect you so much? You were shaken. The sounds, the pain...it was all too real. You had been through the same nightmare time and time again but it had never been easy to relive it. Each time you had to live with the fact that you were still here...and he isn't.

You let out a pained groan. Your voice was hoarse and it came out as a pitiful croak. The light was obtrusive causing you to squint, your vision was still rather bleary. Your mind was still fuzzy and your thoughts were still a jumbled mess, you couldn't remember anything...You couldn't make sense of anything.

You then began to notice that your whole body felt like lead. Your body is heavy and your movements were lethargic...well, what limited movement you had anyway. You tried getting up from your lying position since you were having a rather difficult time breathing. It was a wasted effort since you weren't even able to lift up your arm much less move your fingers. You were pretty much stuck.  As you shifted, a sudden stinging sensation racked through your body. Your vision has yet to clear. All you saw were splotches of blurred colors and faded lines so you still had no idea where you were.

It was beginning to unnerve you.

You tried to call for someone, for any one at all to help you understand just what was happening around you but you just couldn't seem to speak, your throat was protesting as you tried. Why wouldn't your body listen to you? A surge of panic filled you. You shut your eyes tight, but your vision just wouldn't clear. It wasn't even a minute later that you heard a small, beeping sound. You did not know how you had failed to notice it earlier. It sounded rather familiar. The scent of the room was so overpowering that it was nauseating.

Anxiety made your eyes shoot wide open. Your strained yourself to sit up. You were willing yourself to ignore the searing pain just so that you could get a better look. From what little you could distinguish, you were able to make out a dismal view. It was devoid of any decoration save it for a lonely portrait hanging on the wall in front of you and some plain, limp curtain on the window. The room's walls were a dull, faded, cream color. It was dreary, insipid and cold.

Despite the room's temperature, A thin sheen of sweat already formed on your forehead and trickled down your face. You felt something protruding from your arm. A tube. Your heart sank once you finally realized where you were.

You were in a hospital room.

Paralyzed in fear, the air of perturbation invaded your senses. Your body was stiff and your hands stubbornly covered your frightened face. Your first instinct was to get up and run, but you can't. Your flight reaction is going on overdrive. Your fear curled up inside you and clung to your ribs, settling uncomfortably in your chest making your heart beat erratically. You had no doubt that the sensation would be there to stay, reminding you of its existence everytime you tried to gasp for air. Your breathing was deep, erratic and then shallow.

It sat quietly, eroding what little hope of escape that you had. What started as a contortion in the pit of your stomach became the feeling of being smothered with an invisible hand.

You wanted to fight it. You fought. Your body writhes to be free despite it also begging to just shut down.

You wanted to scream for help but your words died in your mouth. Your mind was beginning to fail you. It was like an engine that was turning over and was never going to kick back into action. You could no longer formulate another thought other than you needed to get out of here as soon as humanly possible. Every little move that you made only lead to more pain.

By your bedside was a stand for your intravenous drip and a heart monitor that echoed through the stillness of the room, it's noise was a manifestation of your pounding heart. It had just amplified the awful feeling that you had.

There was no way out.

Never before had you longed to be safe in your entire life. You were beginning to hyperventilate. You coughed violently, it soon came one after another. It reverberated in the quiet room. You clawed at your throat trying to get the coughing fit to stop. Your nails dug into your skin drawing small pricks of blood. You ignored the sting.

You assumed that the room was rather big. It was too big, too spacious. The silence was almost deafening.

You were living a nightmare and all you wanted to do was wake up.

"Someone...help me..." You muttered softly through ragged gasps.

You doubted that anyone could hear your plea for help.

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