18 - First time's the charm

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"You're not paying attention." You pouted.

"Yes I am." he responded automatically.

"Quit lying, Katsuki." You whined, "You promised you would watch.

He chuckled, "Don't worry. I will, I will."

"Just because the worst is over for you doesn't mean you could take it easy." You mumbled.

"Who says we're taking it easy?" Phichit piped in.

"Some friends you are," You frowned, "Since you guys are done, you should be cheering me on, not playing on your phone."

Phichit huffed, "You're no fun, (Y/N)."

After a few weeks, the day of the competition has finally arrived.

Needless to say, the turnout was huge. It definitely wasn't something you were expecting since this was just a non-qualifying competition.

The sheer amount of people was starting to rattle you.

You were beginning to regret ever having agreed to play along to Phichit's and Yuri's whims.

You had three weeks in total to choreograph and practice your routine. It didn't even seem like much considering that on top of practice, you also had school to deal with. You have no idea how Yuri and Phichit were able to hold this sort of thing up for so long.

All of the late nights and early mornings, pouring your attention to every detail of the routine was physically taxing.

Fortunately for you, Yuri was kind enough to supervise you. He technically is still your coach.

He also reminded you that this was all just for fun and that you should enjoy yourself while you were on the ice...to which you wittily reminded him if that he lost, the consequences would be dire.

He shuddered at the thought.

You had convinced yourself that you did not mind not winning, but at the back of your mind you wondered...

What would it feel like to do so.

In everything that you did, you considered yourself to be average at best. This was the first time that you were very much invested in one thing...

And it was all because of a certain little piggy.

If it weren't for Yuri, the thought of ice skating would have never even cross your mind.

You tried to calm your nerves.

It just wouldn't be right if you didn't win. Not only would it make you look like a complete idiot in front of a hundred or so people, it would also make it seem like you didn't learn anything from Yuri which was totally not true. You really did learn a lot about skating from him.

You looked at the time.

In ten minutes, it would be your turn to take the ice.

You grumbled in distaste at the thought. It was unfair.

You were placed at the loneliest spot a skater could be. You were the last competitor to perform.

Both Yuri and Phichit had already performed their short programs ahead of you and they did a spectacular job if the deafening cheers of the audience had anything to say about it.

You decided to make the most of your time by doing some warm up stretches, however that was cut short when you heard your phone vibrating from your duffel bag.

You sighed and rummaged your bag to answer your phone.

"Yes?" you drawled not even bothering to check the caller ID.

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