Three || The Meeting

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"KLAY!! HURRY UP WE HAVE AN IMPORTANT MEETING!" Klay's manager screamed throughout the house, pacing back and forth, waiting for Klay to get ready.

"Oh, and wear something other than a hoodie and sweatpants, will ya?!?"

"Chill out bro, I got it." Klay said with an annoyed tone.

After fifteen minutes, the two hopped into the car making their way to the building where the meeting was going to be held.

"So what are we meeting about today?" Klay asked while playing on his phone.

"We have some ideas that would be great for you and your attention in the media." His manager replied while sorting through her paperwork.

"If I have to do another commercial that involved skunks-"

"No no, don't worry, it's a different subject."

"Fine, I trust you." Klay unlocked his phone and began texting in the Golden State Warriors group chat.

Dub Squad🔥👅🤘🏻

Baby Faced Stephanie: Yo Klay where you at bro we were supposed to be mini golfing??

Money23DayDay: Yeah where's your bitch ass at?

Durantula: Guys i can't find my golf pants...

Iguodala the balla: KD, it's mini Golf...not real Golf smh

Klay: I'm going to a quick meeting, I might be a little late.

Money23DayDay: Ugh fine but hurry up, my ass needs to get home to my baby.

Baby Faced Stephanie: Aw Day Day the daddy

Klay laughed to himself as he locked his phone. At this point, him and his manager arrived at the building. He noticed that paparazzi were there, but they weren't swarming his car this time.

"Woah who's that?" Klay asked.

"You'll see." His manager replied as they got out of the car.

Klay and his manager made their way up to the thirty-first floor where the meeting was about to be held. The two walked in, being greeted by Klay's publicity team.

"Good morning Mr. Thompson!" The woman greeted with a smile.

"Sup." Klay nodded his head.

"Okay we will be meeting in room 2B, we'll be there shortly." Klay and his team made their way to the room where they would meet someone else's publicity team.

Klay walked in first, taking the seat closest to his publicist.

A couple seconds later, a beautiful, tall, slim, girl made her way into the room with her publicity team, and her manager following closely behind.

"Okay perfect everyone's here!" Klay's manager, Kathy, stated as she closed the door.

"Um excuse us but can we hurry up this meeting? Lauren has a private jet to catch to New York." The girls manager said in an annoyed tone.

"I knew you looked familiar!" Klay said out loud, not meaning to say it to everyone in the room.

"Yeah..that's me." The girl replied, as she rolled her eyes.

"Okay you two, down to business." Klay's publicist set down a large pile of paperwork.

"Klay Thompson, meet Lauren Hill. Lauren Hill, meet Klay Thompson." The two exchanged annoyed looks.

"Lauren's team as well as Klay's have decided that in order for both of you to get media attention, you two should be together."

" as in, boyfriend and girlfriend?" Klay asked with a distinct look in his face.

"Yes Mr. Thompson."

"No way! We don't even know each other!" Lauren retaliated back.

"Would you two just hear all of us out?!" Kathy said in an annoyed and stern tone.

"Ugh whatever." The two said in unison.

"Anyway, Lauren, Klay, you two have a contract. You two must act lovey dovey in front of everyone. In front of fans, paparazzi, everyone. You two can post about each other on social media, snapchat, Instagram, twitter, and what not to get your relationship out there. You two will attend every single red carpet event together and pretend to be madly in love."

Klay and Lauren seemed to look at their teams with pure disgust.

"Okay first of all, I just met her like ten minutes ago, and second, I don't need all the media attention."

"Yeah I agree, we both obviously get enough, if not more than enough, attention from the media, why would we have to 'fake date'? This is stupid." Lauren's voice clearly the loudest in the room.

"Listen you two. Relationships in the spotlight are mostly fake to get publicity for both people. With Lauren walking in the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show in a couple months, and Klay's basketball season starting, it would be perfect if we got both of you in the spotlight. More money and attention for both of you."

There was a silence within the room for a while.

"I don't know about this..." Lauren said.

"Where's the contract?" Klay asked.

Lauren's eyes widened. "Wait are you being serious right now?!"

"It's only fake, and this contract says we only have to 'date' for a year. I mean what's the worse possible thing that could happen?" Klay explained.

Lauren contemplated, "Hand me the contract." Klay pushed the pile of paperwork towards her.

Lauren took a good read at the contract, and when she finished, she let out a deep and long sigh.

"Fine, I'm in." The two teams then looked towards Klay.

"I'm in." Klay nodded and smiled.

"Phew that was easier than I thought." Lauren's manager said.

"Okay Klay, sign here, and Lauren sign here." Kathy pointed to the blank spaces on where the two should sign.

"There's only one rule to this contract that you should both follow at all times." Lauren's manager, Bryana, said.

"And that is...?" They both asked.

"Under any circumstances, this relationship will remain a publicity stunt until the twelve months are up. So no falling in love, at all."

"Got it." Klay and Lauren replied, as Lauren and her team got up, with Klay and his team following closely behind.

"The contract starts this Saturday. Be ready."

With that, as Klay and his manager left the building and got back into the car, Klay kept repeating a phrase over and over again in his head, and that was, "No falling in love, at all."

Lauren made her way towards the car service and during her ride to the airport, she kept repeating the same phrase to herself, which was, "No falling in love, at all."

Author's Note (A/N): YAAAAYYY!!! The story has officially begun! Please comment and vote and I will love you forever! Also comment some ideas/suggestions that you would like to read about in the upcoming chapters! Hope you all enjoy! xoxoxoxo😘

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