Seventy-Two || Champions

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The Dubs arrived in Cleveland a day before game three. Lauren was on a jet with Ayesha, Steph's family, Dray's mom, KD's brother and mom, and Klay's family.

They got off the jet and entered enemy territories. They were dropped off at their hotel to get settled in since they will be in Cleveland for the next five days.

Lauren felt her feet swell up and her body feel tired after that six hour flight. She laid down on the hotel bed, wanting some rest. She got a text from Ayesha asking if she wanted to go out for some food, but Lauren politely declined. Ayesha understood how Lauren was feeling, being pregnant and having to travel across the country. Lauren spent the rest of the day in bed, as the players were at media day, and practice.

The next day was game three. The usual pre-game routine occurred in the hotel room as Klay got ready for the day.

"You alright babe?" Klay asked his pregnant fiancé.

"Yeah I'm good, I just feel lil mini growing and it's making my back hurt." Lauren said as she sighed.

"If you don't feel good, then you can just stay here and watch the game from the hotel room." Klay suggested.

"But I wanna be there to support you babe." Lauren sighed.

"Your health is more important. Plus, it's a hostile environment at the Q and I don't want you getting any anxiety or stress." Klay said to Lauren.

"You're right. I'll probably just stay here. Sorry babe I really wanna be there but-" Lauren began.

"Don't worry about it, I care more about your's and the baby's health." Klay said as he planted a quick kiss on Lauren's lips before heading out the door.

"Good luck Thompson!" Lauren yelled.

"Thanks babe. Rest up!" He said before he went out.

A couple hours later, the game began on TV. Lauren ordered pizza from room service, along with popcorn. She was on the couch eating her food as she was watching the game. As the first quarter went on, she got a text from Ayesha.

Yung Eesh🤘🏻💜: wish you were here Laur! But get some rest!

Laur💕: thanks Eesh, wish I was there too! Cheer extra loud for me!

Lauren smiled as she pressed send. The game really went back and forth, Warriors taking the lead, then the Cavs would make a run.

"Come on babe, stay locked in." Lauren said to the TV as she saw her fiancé dribble the ball.

By the beginning of fourth quarter, the Cavs were up by ten points.

"We've gotta make a comeback now Dubs let's go!" Lauren yelled at the TV.

Before she knew it, the lead was cut to two points. KD was driving and shooting jump shots here and there. There was about a minute left, and the Dubs were down by two points. Kyrie missed the open jumper and KD aggressively grabbed the rebound, making sure it was secure. He dribbled the ball down the court and noticed that LeBron planted his heels past the three point arc. KDs eyes were focused on the bottom of the basket as he stopped behind the arc and pulled up for three. LeBron tried to get a hand up to block Kevin but it was too late. Lauren felt like everything was happening in slow motion. KD swished the three and the Dubs were up by one.

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