Four || Dub Squad, Golf Squad

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Dub Squad👅🔥🤘🏻

Baby Faced Stephanie: Yo Klay, is your meeting done yet?

Money23DayDay: Yeah damn, come on, I'm ready to kick all of your asses in mini golf!!

Durantula: Nah bro, I got my golf pants on, I'm gonna win.

Iguodala the balla: y'all shut your bitch asses up, we all know I'm gonna win.

Klay: Would you all shut your ugly mouths up, I'm just getting changed, I'll be there in 10 minutes

Durantula: Damn my pants may be ugly but I sure am not

Money23DayDay: at least your head isn't as big as Zaza's

*Zaza Pachulia left the conversation*

Looney Tunes: Good job, Zaza left

West the Best: I would've too, Dray you mean bro

Money23DayDay: Shut up Looney, I wouldn't be saying shit when you look like that

*Looney Tunes left the conversation*

Baby Faced Stephanie: Dammit Draymond, the fuck bro??!?!

Money23DayDay: Y'all know I'm just playing, someone add them back.

Iguodala The Balla: Ugh got it.

Klay: Guys I'm on my way


Durantula: Shut up. What was the meeting about anyway?

Klay: it's a long story, wait until I get there

Looney Tunes: I hope you didn't get a girl pregnant like Dray did

Klay arrived at the mini golf place in Walnut Creek, he noticed a group of tall men waiting at the entrance.

"There's Klay the bae!" Draymond pointed opening up his snapchat. Klay already knew what was coming.

"Dray if you're gonna make fun of my outfit-"

"Guys look at this! Disgusting!" Draymond said while filming a snapchat video of Klay's outfit.

"What's up with that sweater bro?!"

"My mom got it for me fuck off, Jamal."

"Oooooo Klay putting out the government names!!!" Kevin yelled.

"Can we all just play mini golf please." Klay said, annoyed.

"Damn Klay, what happened in that meeting because you're hella salty today!" Draymond said.

"Well long story short, I have to 'fake date' Lauren Hill for publicity." Klay said.

"Holy shit!!! Like the supermodel, Lauren Hill?!" Ian Clark said, his eyes going wide.

"Is there any other famous person named Lauren Hill?! Dumbass." Draymond said.

"Imma bout to leave this place like Zaza and Loon did in the group chat." Ian said, annoyed.

"Cmon bro you know I'm just playing."

"But yeah anyway, we both signed a contract saying how we have to 'date' for a year for publicity and once the twelve months are up, we 'break up'." Klay explained.

"Be careful bro, you might actually like her three months into the contract." Steph warned Klay.

"Pshhhh not gonna happen, she's a snob." Klay shrugged the thought off.

"Well this should be interesting." Javale McGee spoke in.

"Yeah whatever guys, cmon let's go. I'm ready to beat your asses in mini golf." Klay changed the subject.

"Ummm no I think I'm gonna win." Andre said with a cocky smile.

"Y'all are wrong, I got golf pants on, I'm gonna win." KD added.

"Would y'all shut up and let's have some fun!!" Steph ran to the mini golf course.

"HOLE IN ONE BITCH!!" Draymond yelled.

"Draymond shut the fuck up there are little children here." Ian said quietly.

"Shit sorry."

"Looks like those pants aren't working out for you KD." Andre said.

"It's okay, I'm making a fashion statement with these pants."

"Boy what statement?!" Steph said as he laughed.

"Can we just accept the fact that Andre and I beat the shit outta you guys." Draymond said, flexing his arms.

"Whatever, let's start go-karting." Klay rolled his eyes playfully.

The squad all got in their own go-karts ready to race each other.

The race started and Steph gets a head start, Klay following close behind. So far, the splash brothers are winning the race. Out of nowhere, KD comes from last place, to first.

"SKRRRRR SKRRRR MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!" KD yelled in excitement, while flipping his team members off.

All of a sudden, Zaza gets past his whole team and is now closely tailgating KD.

"FOR GEORGIA!!!" Zaza yelled.

The splash brothers are now tied for third, until David West zooms past them with ease, drifting along the side. Patrick McCaw coming in seventh. The last lap is approaching as KD takes a big lead. Draymond not accepting defeat, decided to take a "shortcut". Instead of taking the normal route, Draymond bulldozed through the cones separating the lanes, cutting in front of KD.

"YOU PUSSY ASS BITCH THAT'S CHEATING!!!" KD yelled through his helmet. Draymond crosses the finish line, KD following seconds later.

The team got off their carts and took their helmets off.

"KD won that one, Dray cheated." Javale said.

"TAKE THE L BRO, TAKE THE L." KD yelled, doing his little victory dance.

The team spent the rest of the day bowling, hanging out, and having fun bonding with each other.

Author's Note: YAY! Another chapter done! Sorry this one was a little shorter than the one before, I've been super busy with school! Hope you all understand :) please vote and comment what you want to read in the upcoming chapters! xoxox😘

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