Sixty-Two || Are You Ready?

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The crew had dinner at Nobu, Lauren avoiding any alcohol and raw fish. They decided to just chill at Lauren's house to get their rest before catching a private jet in the morning to head back to Oakland. Lauren was laying by the pool as everyone swam.

"Hey." Klay said as he sat down next to her.

"Sup, Thompson." Lauren smiled.

"I have a question for you." Klay said.

"Hmm? What's up?" Lauren said, sitting up.

"Do you wanna move in with me? Officially?" Klay let out a deep breath.

"Of course babe! You're my fiancé now, we're basically a package deal." Lauren joked.

"I'll get the movers to move all my stuff up to The Bay sometime this week." Lauren said.

They spent the rest of the day by the pool, and resting before the guys have to get back on the practice grind before the playoffs.

They woke up bright and early the next day, taking a jet to Oakland. Lauren decided to join them and start moving the easy stuff into Klay's home. They all chatted on the jet as they made their way to The Bay.

They all said their goodbyes to each other as they drove separate ways back to their homes.

"Do you wanna do anything today?" Klay asked as he looked over at Lauren.

"No, I would love to, but I don't feel so good." Lauren said, sinking into her chair.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Klay said, growing concerned.

"I think I'm alright, I just feel really tired and nauseated." Lauren sighed.

"Is it because of the flight? Do you feel sick?" Klay asked.

"I don't know, I just feel, not normal, it's weird." Lauren said.

As soon as Klay pulled out to the driveway, Lauren ran out of the car and into the nearest bathroom. She got down and bent over the bowl, vomiting once again.

"Hey, Laur, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Klay knocked on the door, showing concern for his fiancé.

"Yeah, I think it's just something that I ate." Lauren lied.

"Open the door." Klay said as Lauren got up to unlock the door, hurrying her way back to the toilet.

Klay ran over to Lauren, pulling her hair back.

"One second, I'll get you some cold water." Klay said as he ran to the kitchen, grabbing a Fiji bottle from the fridge.

Lauren felt her stomach lighten as Klay ran into the bathroom with her water.

"Thanks babe." Lauren said as she took a sip of the water, getting up from the ground.

"I think I just need to lay down for today. Sorry babe, I really don't feel good." Lauren said as Klay helped her up the stairs. Lauren went to the closet to change into some more comfortable clothes. She got one of Klay's shirts and a pair of shorts. She got into the sheets of the bed that she hasn't been in, in months.

"I got you some chocolate." Klay said as he got in bed with his fiancé.

"Aw thanks, Thompson." Lauren smiled.

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