Eighty-Three || Love & Basketball

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Today is the most important day in Lauren and Klay's relationship. The wedding day has finally come and the bride and the groom spent their nights last night as bachelor and bachelorette. Lauren crashed at Ayesha and Steph's villa while Steph slept at Lauren and Klay's villa. The girls spent their day yesterday at the beach, while the guys were on a yacht.

Lauren woke up when she heard her stylists and makeup artists file into the villa.

"Laur, wake up!" Ayesha said as breakfast was served.

Room service just delivered a fruit plate, and smoothies for everyone. Lauren woke up with a smile on her face, getting up to prepare for her big day.

"Today is the day! Laur is getting married!" Ayesha exclaimed as she filmed a video, posting it to her instagram story.

"I'm so excited and nervous that I can't even eat properly." Lauren laughed.

"Nerves are totally normal, just live in the moment because this day only comes once in a lifetime." Ayesha smiled.

"I just hope I don't trip or something." Lauren laughed.

"You won't. You're a model! I'm sure you know a thing or two about walking in front of a crowd." Ayesha assured Lauren.

They were about to get ready until there was another doorbell. Lauren jogged over to the door to open it, revealing Draymond and KD in robes.

"Woah." Lauren said, laughing at the sight that was in front of her own two eyes.

"L-dawg! Klay wanted us to give this to you. He wanted to keep the whole tradition where the groom can't see the bride hours before the wedding and blah blah blah but here's this." Draymond explained as KD handed Lauren a box.

"Thanks?" Lauren said in a confused tone, raising her eyebrows.

"Klay wanted us to tell you that he loves you and that he's excited, by the way." KD shrugged.

"Thanks, tell him I said that I love him too." Lauren chuckled.

"Now go get ready boo, it's your wedding day!" Draymond exclaimed as he and Kevin gave Lauren a hug before getting into a golf cart and driving off.

"You know I swear Draymond is in a world of his own, and he happened to take KD with him." Lauren laughed as she closed the door behind her.

"Draymond said he's been in his own world since Saginaw." Ayesha joked.

"What's that?" Ayesha asked as she nodded towards the box in Lauren's hand.

"I don't know actually, Dray and K told me it was from Klay." Lauren said, as she began to open the mystery box.

Lauren's eyes widened as she revealed the gift in the box.

"Wear these earrings today for our wedding. Got them custom made just for you. I love you so much and can't wait to call you my wife. xoxo Gossip Girl, JK it's from Klay." Lauren read out loud as she laughed at the last part. Lauren opened the box to twenty-four carat diamond earrings from Tiffany & Co.

"Those are beautiful!" Ayesha gaped at Lauren's new earrings.

"They're so pretty." Lauren whispered in awe.

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