Sixty-One || More Waiting

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The rest of the boys woke up as they arrived in Los Angeles.

"Welcome to my home turf guys." Lauren said as they passed the first of many downtowns in LA.

"How far are we from Calabasas?" KD asked.

"About another half and hour left." Lauren said.

Everyone gave in and let Steph use the aux chord for the remainder of the ride.

Steph started to play Migos as everyone turned to look at him in shock.

"Woah man you listen to this stuff?!" Draymond asked.

"Told ya Dray, I may know all the Disney and Hamilton songs, but I listen to a little bit of what y'all listen to." Steph laughed.

They finally arrived in Calabasas as Lauren drove towards The Oaks neighborhood. She stopped by the gate where the guard would let her in and made her way towards her million dollar mansion. She pushed the code to open her gate as they opened.

"Holy crap, you're house is huge! You live here by yourself?" Steph was agape at the sight of Lauren's house.

"Yup, just me." Lauren smiled as she pulled up to her garage.

They all got out of the car and unloaded their stuff from the trunk. Lauren unlocked her front door as they all filed into her mansion.

"Dang, this place is dope!" Draymond said as he looked around.

"Thanks." Lauren smiled.

"Do you guys want anything to drink? Like champagne or rosé?" Lauren asked, getting out a bottle from the pantry.

"Umm." Ayesha's eyes widened as she ran over to Lauren.

"Girl, you might be pregnant, no alcohol." Ayesha said as Lauren realized it too.

"Shoot, you're right." Lauren said before putting the bottles away.

"Make yourselves feel at home." Lauren said to everyone.

As everyone settled in, Ayesha decided to carry on with her and Lauren's plan.

"Hey, guys, Lauren and I are just gonna go out and pick up some food for dinner." Ayesha started.

"Don't you guys wanna go to Nobu or something?" Steph asked.

"Oh, I mean I was just thinking that we can just get food somewhere and bring it home." Ayesha shrugged.

"We haven't eaten a Nobu in a while, and I'm in the mood for some sushi." Steph said, Ayesha growing annoyed that her plan was slowly getting ruined.

"Fine, we'll eat at Nobu in a bit. Lauren and I are gonna get some frozen yogurt first." Ayesha came up of another cover up.

"Oooo can I come?" Steph asked.

Ayesha and Lauren grew annoyed as they pulled Steph into the corner of the kitchen.

"Listen here Wardell, she might be pregnant and we need to come up with an excuse to go to the drug store and buy pregnancy tests. So no we're not going for actual frozen yogurt, we need to find out if there's a baby in there or not." Ayesha said in a harsh, whisper tone.

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