Twenty-Two || Dammit Draymond, Dammit Kevin

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The Victoria's Secret after party was a wild one. Klay and Lauren's parents decided to just have dinner with each other while letting the players, Ayesha, Klay and Lauren enjoy the after party. Shots were downed, pictures were taken, and crazy dancing went on as everyone had the night of their lives. Draymond having a little bit too much to drink was acting crazy on the stripper pole. Everyone pulling out their snapchats, posting it for the world to see.

"He's gonna regret this tomorrow morning." Kevin laughed as Lauren nodded. The whole night was spent clubbing and celebrating Lauren's debut as a Victoria's Secret Angel. As the night went on, Klay's teammates got absolutely wasted. So he took this perfect time to get away.

"Hey, wanna go see the Eiffel Tower?" Klay yelled over the music.

"Sure!" Lauren said as Klay grabbed her hand, leading her out of the club. Even though it was three in the morning, there were still paparazzi waiting outside for a celebrity to come out of the famous French club. As soon as the couple stepped out, the flashes of the cameras went off like crazy. Klay wrapped his arm around Lauren's waist, making sure he didn't lose her in the crowd. Lauren and Klay covered their eyes, as they walked through the jungle of camera flashes. The paparazzi then stopped following them, giving Lauren and Klay a chance to run away.

"Let's go!" Klay said, picking Lauren up bridal style and running towards the field in front of the Eiffel Tower.

"Thompson, oh my gosh!" Lauren was taken aback, laughing at Klay's gesture.

"We're here! Look!" Klay said, letting Lauren down back onto her feet.

"Wow, it's even more beautiful in person." Lauren whispered, in awe.

Klay looked at Lauren admiring her, as she admired the beautiful sight of the Eiffel Tower. Klay pulled out his phone, sliding up to view his front camera, showing him and Lauren.

"Picture time!" Klay said as he kissed Lauren on the lips, snapping a picture with the famous tower in the background.

Lauren pulled out her phone, opening up snapchat, and taking a video, showing Klay and the tower. She captioned it with a bunch of heart eyes before posting it to her story.

As they were admiring the twinkling lights, Klay took to Instagram to post the picture he took with Lauren.

"She thought the Eiffel Tower was pretty, but I thought she was prettier

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"She thought the Eiffel Tower was pretty, but I thought she was prettier." He captioned before posting, immediately getting hundreds to thousands of likes and comments.

They admired the beautiful landmark as they sat down on the field.

"You know, with everything that's happened in the past few months, things seem to be just perfect right now." Lauren said, leaning on Klay's shoulder.

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