Fifty-Seven || Will You?

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The pre-festival party ended as Lauren, Klay, Ayesha, Steph, Dray, and KD made their way into the car service that will take them to Coachella valley. They arrived there shortly, a crowd of photographers already waiting for them, along with some other people who were attending the festival also.

"Squad pic!" Draymond yelled as he handed one of the security guards his phone to take a picture. They all posed in front of the famous Coachella Ferris Wheel. The first acts of the day were performing on the Coachella stages as they decided to go get some drinks first.

"Y'all A$AP is performing at three, so we'll all meet you at the VIP for main stage around that time?" Steph said as him and Ayesha decided to wander off and spend some time together.

"Yeah, we'll meet you guys there!" Klay said as he pulled Lauren along with him, making their way to the photo booth.

"Welp, it's just you and me for now K." Draymond shrugged as him and KD locked arms, skipping away to explore the festival activities.

"Oh look at their bromance." Lauren shook her head playfully as she laughed.

Klay and Lauren got into the photo booth, taking cute pictures. In the first photo, they were smiling, the second Lauren was kissing Klay's cheek, and the third, the two shared a quick kiss for the camera. They got out of the booth, and as soon as they got out, Lauren and Klay were swarmed by a bunch of teens.

"Oh my, you're Lauren Hill!" One of them said.

"That's me." Lauren smiled.

"Can we take a picture with you?" Another one of the teens asked.

Lauren looked to Klay, making sure he was okay with it.

"Go ahead, they're your fans." Klay smiled as Lauren smiled back. The teens all took turns as they took pictures with the famous supermodel.

Klay just stood there, smiling at his girlfriend, admiring her kindness to fans. Then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

Dub Squad🔥👅🤘🏻


Durantula: Y'all see what I have to deal with until A$AP comes on

Ian Clark: heyo klay, so where are we all meeting tonight?

Klay The Bae: backstage, just show your passes to the guards

Baby Faced Stephanie: ooooooo this gon be good ! 😏

Javale: Dray, what about that spiked watermelon tho?🤔


Durantula: imma need a woman real quick

Zaza on the Raza: there should be a lot of women at Coachella?

Durantula: yeah, but they either got a man, or are too drunk to function

PMcCaw: we gotta get KD a lady

Money23DayDay: *High School Musical* what about us? What about everything we've been through?😭

Klay The Bae: it's the spiked watermelon, Dray is already drunk and it's only two in the afternoon

Money23DayDay: every hour is happy hour

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