Forty-Three || Who Started It?

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KD was woken up by the bright sun rays the next day shining through his hotel window. He squinted his eyes as he rubbed the tiredness away from them. He rolled over, unplugging his phone from the charger and checking the time. It was nine thirty in the morning, and Lauren should almost be done with her shoot. Kevin scrolled through his twitter timeline, replying to some fans. At about nine fifty, he got up from his bed, and padded to the bathroom. He hopped into the large shower and felt his muscles relax under the warm water. He got out and dried up, and brushed his teeth. He packed lightly, knowing he would only be in Los Angeles for a couple hours. He put on a black, Nike t-shirt, along with black skinny jeans. KD then received a text from Lauren asking what hotel he was staying at as he replied quickly. He sat on the balcony of his presidential suite, admiring the views of the Santa Monica Pier and the Pacific Ocean. Half an hour later, Lauren texted him saying she was waiting outside the lobby. He got up quickly, laced up his shoes, and headed out the door. He got into the elevator and pressed the button that will take him to the ground floor. Luckily, there was so sign of paparazzi outside the hotel which made KD feel a lot better. He quickly walked out the door and saw Lauren in her G-Wagon.

He knocked on the car window as Lauren unlocked the door.

"DURANT!" Lauren said, raising her arms up.

"HILL!" He replied as he got into the passenger seat of Lauren's car. She gave him a quick hug before driving off.

"How've you been?" Lauren said, as she began driving.

"Things have been pretty good, we have a day off today so I decided to come down here and just see how you're doing." KD said, adjusting his passenger seat. After all, he is 6'11 and needs some leg room.

"Aw I'm glad you came down here! I was gonna be home alone all afternoon." Lauren laughed.

"I saw the game last night. You guys killed the Cavs!" Lauren glanced at KD, as she got onto the onramp of the freeway.

"Last night was crazy man, it was a perfect game for us."

"When are you gonna come to another home game?" KD said, looking over to Lauren.

"I really want to for sure, but I don't think I can see Klay again this soon." Lauren sighed. KD was contemplating whether or not to tell her that Kelsey was actually Klay's brother's fiancé, and that Klay was supposed to propose to her. But he realized that it'd be best if Klay just told her that.

"Have y'all talked at all?"

"Nope. Last time I talked to him was before we went to Vegas." Lauren shook her head.

She got on the exit to Melrose Avenue where they'll be having lunch.

KD knew that Klay was still a hard subject for Lauren so he wanted to keep him out of topic for now.

"So where are we having lunch?" He said, changing the subject.

"There's this really good place here on Melrose called Blu Jam Cafe. I'm sure you'll love it!" Lauren smiled as she pulled into the parking lot. They got out of the car, walking towards the cafe.

"Hi table for two please." Lauren said as she smiled to the hostess.

"Right this way." Lauren and Kevin followed the hostess, immediately getting stares from the people dining at the cafe.

"Is that Kevin Durant?"

"Holy crap it's Lauren Hill!"

"I thought she was dating that Klay guy?"

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