Fifty-One || I Need Your Help

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"Did you both not read through the entire contract?" Klay and Lauren's managers said in unison.

The two looked at each other and shook their heads at their managers.

Kathy pulled out the twenty paged contract, flipping to the twelfth page.

"Page twelve, section three, paragraph two. And it says, 'within three months of the end of the contract, Kevin Durant will be inserted into the publicity stunt. With approval of Durant's manager, there are no limits to the rules according to Lauren Hill and Klay Thompson's contract.'" Kathy said, closing the document.

"How did I not read that." Lauren whispered, shaking her head.

"Why didn't you tell us this?" Klay asked.

"Well we thought you read throughout the whole document." Kimberly replied.

"KD, did you know about this?" Lauren said, furrowing her eyebrows at KD as he nodded slowly.

"So that incident in Vegas...the one two nights ago, and last night...that was all part of this stupid thing?" Lauren said, picking up the stack of papers and throwing it down.

"Vegas was planned in the contract, everything else wasn't." KD replied, not making eye contact.

"I can't believe-" Lauren started.

"How much money are you guys trying to take from us?" KD raised his voice.

"This is ridiculous. This whole contract is ridiculous. You guys control us like puppets, treating us like cash cows. All you want from us is money. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I don't think Klay and Lauren did either. You have this contract, saying oh okay just date for a year for publicity and it'll be fine we'll pay you and they'll pay us. You guys tell us probably half of what we're getting ourselves into. You add these tiny little details in that we weren't even informed of. Hell, I didn't even know I was part of this contract until we went to Vegas. So I'm sorry Klay, I never tried to hurt you, or Lauren, I was forced into this, my manager wanted more money and this is the type of stuff he gets me into." KD said, growing angry.

"We were forced into this too. I can't believe you guys didn't inform us about everything. Yeah I know we should've read through the contract but it's required for you guys to let us know every single tiny detail before we sign our names onto anything." Lauren said, defending herself, along with Klay and KD.

"Welcome to show business." Kathy sighed.

"SHOW BUSINESS? KD and I are athletes, and Lauren is a model, so I don't know where you guys are getting this show business from." Klay raised his voice.

"Leave this to the fakes in Hollywood. We don't give a single damn about that. We just wanna play basketball, and I'm sure she just wants to do photoshoots and runways. Stop trying to make storylines out of our lives to get money." Klay was red.

"Look Lauren I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you in the first place. This isn't the situation that I wanted to tell you, but since you're here I guess I should just come out and say it." Klay started, Lauren raising her eyebrows, looking around in confusion.

"Lauren, you need to know this." KD assured her as she returned her focus back to Klay.

"What?" Her voice was shaking.

"Kelsey isn't who you thought she was. She's actually my brothers fiancé, I flew her out to Oakland because I wanted her to help me find a ring. I was going to propose to you, and I didn't wanna ruin the surprise so I kept quiet. I learned now that I should've just told you right then and there than to just stay quiet. Now I'm sure you don't feel the same way anymore so, if you want this, it's all yours." Klay said, on the verge of tears as he pulled out the red box with a bow on it, handing it to Lauren.

"Klay, I..." Lauren covered her mouth, tears streaming down her face.

"She's all yours now man, I mean since y'all have gotten pretty close these past few weeks." Klay said towards KD before walking out of the meeting room with his hood up.

Lauren was in shock. Looking at the red box in her hands that consisted of the ring that was supposed to be hers.

"Klay, it's not like that man." KD said, trying to walk over to Klay.

"Nah man it's okay, she's moved on." Klay said, tears flowing down his face.

"Thompson!" Lauren yelled, her makeup streaming down her face, overwhelmed by all the information she was just told.

"It's okay Lauren, it was a great time. Just wish it ended differently." Klay said, before turning is back onto a crying and distraught Lauren.

"Klay! Just please talk to me!" Lauren cried out.

"There's nothing more to talk about. I saw the pictures, looks like you and KD make a cute couple." Klay said, the tears not stopping.

"It was a mistake!" Lauren said, not knowing what else to say.

"Sleeping with him more than once isn't a mistake. You've obviously moved on." Klay said.

"Klay, listen, we were drunk, I was drunk, she was drunk. She did it out of hurt and anger. She wasn't in the right state of mind, and I wasn't either. Blame me, not her." KD explained.

"It takes two for that to happen." Klay's mindset was closed.

"I was running away from the situation by drinking and sleeping around Klay, it was my fault, but please just let me talk to you." Lauren tried one last time to get Klay to budge.

"I've already heard and seen everything. I just need some time to myself. I'll see you at practice tomorrow, K." Klay said, and with that, he turned around, making his way to the elevator.

"Thompson!" Lauren yelled, the tears streaming down her face.

At this point, she didn't care. She knew the people in the office heard and saw everything, but she didn't listen. She jumped to conclusions, and her drunken mistakes got the best of her. She ran to the elevator, too late to catch up to Klay. She made her way to the lobby, already seeing Klay's car speed away from the building. She saw her car service awaiting her, along with dreaded paparazzi. She put her sunglasses on and her hood up, to cover her distraught face and swollen eyes from the photographers. She ran to the car, pulling away from the crowd. She took the red box out of her pocket and opened it. A thirty karat ring was there before her eyes. A diamond studded band, with a big diamond rock in the middle. Staring at it made Lauren cry even harder. She lost her source of happiness, her rock, because of one stupid assumption and drunk actions. She wished that the contract never happened. But then again, if the contract never happened, then she wouldn't have met Klay. But Klay forced his way out of her life at the point, but Lauren wasn't going to go down without fighting for her relationship back, but she couldn't do it on her own. She wiped her tear-streaked face and dialed a familiar number.

"Hello?" The voice answered on the other line.

"Draymond, I need your help."

Author's Note: Omggggg so Lauren knows the REAL story now...what will happen between klauren? Comment some ideas/thoughts! Hope you all had a great Monday! Thank you for your support! Please don't forget to vote and comment! All love! xoxoxoxoxo❤️

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