Fifty-Five || It's Finally Over

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"What are you doing here?" Lauren yelled over the music.

"The guys invited me here. How about you?" Klay responded.

"Ayesha invited me." Lauren said, nodding over to Ayesha.

"Did you guys set this up?" Klay asked the group as he turned around. They all slowly nodded as Klay made his way out of the VIP section.

"Hey Klay where ya going?" Draymond yelled.

"I'm gonna get a drink." And with that, Klay was lost in the crowd.

"Klay wait!" Draymond said, running after his teammate.

"Dray don't worry about it. I just need a drink and some fresh air, it's really packed in this VIP section." Klay said before walking away.

"What is going on here?" Lauren said to the group in confusion.

"We set this up. We wanted you guys to talk it out." Draymond explained.

For some reason, Lauren wasn't mad, she actually felt her heart warm up knowing that her friends cared about her so much.

"Really?" Lauren tried to hold back tears.

"Look if you're gonna get mad, get mad at Draymond." Stephen joked as Lauren laughed.

"I'm not mad, I just can't believe how much you guys really care." Lauren said.

"Of course why wouldn't we?! You two make each other happy and we knew we had to help with this." Ayesha said sympathetically.

"Thanks guys, I think I gotta handle this, I'll be back." Lauren smiled before jolting off to the food trucks. She pushed her way through the VIP pit, looking around to see a six foot seven male.

"Klay!" Lauren yelled looking around.

She was about to give up until she saw his broad shoulders, facing a food truck that was serving drinks. Lauren jogged over to Klay, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Klay, can we talk?" Lauren said, the sounds from the main stage growing quieter since they were at the food section.

"Oh Lauren, what's up?" Klay nodded his head as he was served his drink.

"Hi can I have a piña colada please?" Lauren asked the bartender.

"Sure thing! Hey, oh my gosh, it's Lauren Hill and Klay Thompson!" He yelled.

"Shhhhh!" Lauren and Klay both shushed the young man who was working.

"Oops sorry." He shrugged as he began to make Lauren's drink.

"Piña colada huh? I remember you would drink that every time you went tanning in the backyard." Klay smiled.

"Yeah, good times." Lauren smiled as she looked at the ground.

"So how've you been?" Klay asked.

"I've been okay. It's been...weird. How about you?" Lauren bit her lip, not knowing why she was nervous.

"To be honest, Lauren. I've been miserable." Klay sighed as Lauren looked up.

"I miss this. I miss us. I miss everything. I know I should've told you about Kelsey in the first place but I was worried about the proposal being spoiled that I was stupid and didn't say anything." Klay confessed.

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