Sixty-Nine || Say Yes to the Dress

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The Golden State Warriors were preparing for the NBA Finals, which were in eight days. The stage has been set, and the Warriors were going to play the Cleveland Cavaliers. Everyday, the players were in the gym running plays, working out, and doing shooting drills. Their mind sets were locked in, and were ready to chase after the trophy.

Since Lauren knew Klay was busy prepping for the biggest stage in the NBA, she got a little help from her mom, Klay's mom, Julie, and Ayesha.

Lauren and Ayesha were going out to San Francisco today to order the decorations for the wedding. They were meeting with Klay and Lauren's wedding planner, Natalie, who would be helping Lauren out as well.

"Hi Lauren and Ayesha!" Natalie greeted the two as they entered her office.

"Hey Natalie! How are you?" Lauren said as they shook hands with her.

"I'm good! How are you?" Natalie replied.

"A little stressed." Lauren laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help you out." Natalie assured her.

"So here are a few designs that I've been looking at for the seating. And of course, an aisle lined with white roses with white silk leading to the front where you and Klay will be standing." Natalie explained as she showed the pictures of her ideas.

"That's beautiful, and I love how the backdrop is the beach." Lauren said.

"Yeah I agree, and the set up looks very chic and elegant." Ayesha added.

"So we approve on this design?" Natalie asked.

"One hundred percent. Love it!" Lauren said.

"Okay sweet. Now onto the reception area." Natalie said, pulling out the designs of Lauren and Klay's wedding reception.

"So for the reception, I was thinking of an all white design, with tan bows around the chairs, and beautiful white roses for centerpieces. I was also thinking to add some lanterns as lights." Natalie said, showing Ayesha and Lauren the picture.

"That is absolutely gorgeous!" Ayesha said.

"It's like my dream wedding is coming to life! I am so excited!" Lauren said, clapping her hands.

"I am so glad that you love the designs we pitched out! Now all we need is to order all of the stuff and then your wedding is set." Natalie smiled.

"Thank you so much for your help, Natalie! Making our job easier!" Lauren smiled, as they hugged and said goodbye.

Ayesha and Lauren got into Lauren's G-wagon and headed over to Belly Uptown, which was a restaurant in Oakland.

"So Eesh, tonight we are all going to meet and Klay and I's place for the bridesmaids', flower girls, and maid of honor's dresses!" Lauren said as her and Ayesha were sat down at their table.

"Oh my gosh, no way that's so exciting! Laur, I am so happy that I'm your maid of honor, like seriously I feel so special." Ayesha smiled.

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