Sixty-Four || Full Circle

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"I'm pregnant, and you're the father." Lauren said as she let out a sigh.

There was a long silence before Klay cleared his throat.

"Lauren, don't get mad at me but I need to ask you one question." Klay said as he took a deep breath.

"I've got all the answers." Lauren said as she sat down next to him.

"How do you know it's mine?" Klay said quickly.

"Excuse me?" Lauren said, shocked at what Klay just said.

"Lauren, I'm not mad, I'm just asking. I know you slept with other people who shouldn't be named, not too long ago, so I need to know. Is that baby actually mine?" Klay asked.

"I can't believe you right now." Lauren said getting up.

"Wait no Lauren it's just-" Klay started.

"Just what? You think this baby is Kevin's?" Lauren said, raising her voice.

"I didn't say that."

"But that's what you meant, Klay! I can't believe you would think that I would let him just sleep with me without protection?" Lauren said, obviously hurt.

"Plus, I was still on birth control back when the whole Vegas thing happened." Lauren said, as she walked into the bathroom.

"Babe, please don't be mad, I was just taken aback, and I wanted to make sure." Klay said, running up to Lauren.

"But don't be mad, can we just take a DNA test?" Klay said as Lauren rolled her eyes.

"What makes you think that this isn't your child? We slept together in Palm Springs and I remember for a fact that you did not put on any protection, and I don't take birth control anymore." Lauren explained.

"I just want closure." Klay said.

"Fine, whatever will help you sleep at night." Lauren sighed, giving in.

"But, if it really is mine, then I'm gonna be a dad?" Klay said as his eyes gleamed.

"I mean, duh." Lauren laughed.

"We're gonna be a family now?" Klay said as Lauren nodded.

"I can't believe this." Klay said, as he went up to Lauren, kissing her all over.

"Klay, listen to me, I know it's yours, trust me." Lauren smiled before pecking Klay on the lips.

Klay took a shower before getting ready for bed as Lauren was already freshened up. She laid down on the bed, and picked up her phone. She was anxious so she decided to text someone that she wanted an answer from.

Lauren H-town: Hey KD, you still up? I have a quick question.

KD MVP: Hey Lauren, what's up?

Lauren H-town: This is gonna sound super duper awkward but, remember that night in Vegas?

KD MVP: yeah, why?

Lauren H-town: did you umm..put on protection?

KD MVP: oh yeah 100%, I made sure lol

Lauren H-town: ohhh okay cool yeah thanks KD sorry if that sounded super weird😂

KD MVP: prob😂

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