Forty-Five || Spa Day

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"Lauren Hill. It's Klay, Klay Thompson."

Lauren's stomach dropped, as she started to feel her palms sweat.

"Klay. Nice to hear your voice again." Lauren said bluntly.

"Likewise. Anyway, KD told me everything." Klay replied as Lauren began to sweat even more.

"Oh, he-he did?" Lauren stuttered.

"Yeah." Klay sighed.

"That was partially my fault too. I really didn't tell you everything." Klay said.

"No surprise there." Lauren said.

"Hey, come up to Oakland this weekend please? I wanna talk, in person." Klay pleaded through the other line.

"I'm busy with photoshoots, for the next month. Sorry."

"Lauren just for a weekend please?"

"We're not together anymore." Lauren said as she pressed the end call button. She hung up because she knew that if she kept on listening to Klay's voice, she would give in. But she needed to stay strong.

"She hung up bro." Klay facepalmed as he turned to Draymond.

"Ok yo but KD tho...who expected that?" Draymond said.

"Okay thanks please don't remind me." Klay said sternly.

"How did you find out anyway?" Draymond asked.

"He called me a couple minutes ago." Klay sighed once again.

"How do you feel?" Draymond asked, quietly.

"It was my fault. If I told her who Kelsey was in the first place we wouldn't be in this situation. Of course I'm pissed K slept with her but we weren't necessarily together at that point. He still needs to know his limits though." Klay explained.

"Let's just not make it awkward and don't tell the team about this ok?" Draymond rubbed his face.

"Oh for sure." Klay said.

Meanwhile in Los Angeles...

Lauren woke up the next morning with a text from Ayesha.

Young Eesh: Laur! I'm coming to your place at around noon, be ready for a well-deserved spa day!

Laur: I'm so ready! See you soon!

Lauren locked her phone and got out of bed, getting ready for the day. She changed into a comfy tank top, with a Nike track jacket over it. She paired that with Nike leggings, and tied the lazy look with Puma Fenty sliders. Lauren was too lazy to do her hair so she grabbed a white baseball cap to cover her bed hair. She went downstairs and made a quick smoothie as she waited for Ayesha to arrive. A couple minutes later she heard the doorbell and jogged over to the front door. She opened it, being greeted by a hug from Ayesha.

"Lauren! It's been way too long!" Ayesha said, giving Lauren a tight hug.

"Eesh! I know!" Lauren said, happy that she was back with one of her good friends.

"We have a whole spa day ahead of us girlie, which means a whole day of gossip." Ayesha laughed.

"Girl you know it!" Lauren said, grabbing her car keys.

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