Eighty || Meeting Mini

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Lauren and Klay have been back from their bachelor and bachelorette parties for quite some time now, and they were getting ready for their wedding that was a couple months away. As the weeks went by, Lauren grew closer and closer to her due date. Her stomach was already as big as a watermelon, and she felt that her little girl could pop out anytime. Klay had the normal team workouts during the morning, but would be right beside his fiancé by the afternoon. Ayesha would visit Lauren twice a week to make sure she was doing well. Her mom or Klay's mom would visit frequently to make sure that Lauren and the baby stay healthy.

On a hot summer day, Klay was out with his groomsmen to get fitted for their tuxedos. Lauren was out shopping with Ayesha when she felt her stomach start to churn and cramps started to settle in. She ignored the uncomfortable feeling since she thought it was just pains because she'd been standing for too long.

"Hey Eesh, I think I'm gonna sit down for now, I feel really bad cramps." Lauren winced in pain.

"Are you okay? We can go home if you're not feeling too well." Ayesha said, showing concern for her friend.

"No, no, I'm fine, I just need to sit down, that's all." Lauren brushed it off while Ayesha gave her the "Are you sure?" look.

"Keep shopping, I'm fine I promise." Lauren assured Ayesha.

After a couple minutes, Lauren felt the pain getting worse rather than getting better. Then, she realized that she really had to pee.

She knocked on the dressing room door and told Ayesha that she was heading to the restroom. As Ayesha heard Lauren walk away, she quickly pulled out her phone and texted her husband.

Eeshy Baby💜: don't go out and tell the guys yet but I'm pretty sure Laur is in labor


Eeshy Baby💜: I'm like 98% sure. She's experiencing the same thing that I did with RyRy. She's having contractions and she just told me that she really needed to pee...this baby is about to pop out but don't say anything to anyone until it's confirmed.

Wardell❤️: ok just keep me updated. We're just at the house getting fitted

After Ayesha read the text, she heard Lauren call her from outside the dressing room.

"Hey Eesh, can you come out real quick." Lauren said in a hurried tone.

Ayesha grabbed all of her stuff and quickly made her way out of the dressing room.

"What's up?" Ayesha said, brushing her hair out of her face with her hand.

"My water just broke." Lauren whispered.

Ayesha's eyes widened as a big smile appeared on her face. She grabbed Lauren's arm and speed walked out of the store. They got in the car quickly and Lauren was breathing heavily.

"We're close to the hospital Laur, just take deep breaths." Ayesha said, trying to calm Lauren down.

"I know this is your first time, but I'm just gonna need you to stay calm, and take deep breaths." Ayesha said.

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